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Please help!


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I'm trying to make my shopping cart my home page, and I've read about adding the code between <head> and </head> to make it work, but I can't seem to make it work! Which file am I adding the code to? My index.htm file? That's what I tried with no luck. I'm not very html or php literate so I really need specific instructions. I've managed a lot of changes but now I'm so confused and this is the last step to making it go live!! Any help would be appreciated - thanks!


Really simple. Amend includes/configure.php and admin/includes/configure.php and where you see your store location (i.e. www.mydomain.com/catalog/ or html/catalog remove the catalog bit, leaving the last / or not, exactly the same as was there before.


Then, in ftp, drag all of your files and folders UP a level, so the catalog folder is now empty. Rename or delete and index.htm files, when you next type in your domain address, your store will show.


Hope thats clearer than mud.


Oh boy! I think I'll try this at night when no one will be on my site so if I really mess things up I can fix them!! I'll let you know how it goes... thanks! :'(


Really simple. Amend includes/configure.php and admin/includes/configure.php and where you see your store location (i.e. www.mydomain.com/catalog/ or html/catalog remove the catalog bit, leaving the last / or not, exactly the same as was there before.


Then, in ftp, drag all of your files and folders UP a level, so the catalog folder is now empty. Rename or delete and index.htm files, when you next type in your domain address, your store will show.


Hope thats clearer than mud.



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