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Shipping weight - ounces or grams, how do I...


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How in the world do I list product weights by ounces or grams instead of pounds for the USPS shipping thingy? Can't figure out the ratio - 16 ounces in one pound, how do I put that into decimal format?


Or am I overthinking all of this and should I just set the lowest weight at one pound?


get a caluclator (or use the one on your pc).


divide 1 by 16. Thats your decimal for an ounce. Then multiply by required amount.


Hope that helps.


Tony B


the easiest way is to let sql do all of the thinking.


Run this in your mysql management tool


UPDATE products SET products_weight = products_weight/16 WHERE products_id = products_id;


which works great on all your existing products, but wont work on new products. Then once you have added more products in, you cant run the statement again without messing up the value on the old ones.


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