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The e-commerce.

Help! My banner disappeared . . .


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Hi ToyIce,

This is a great thread and very helpful. I followed the instructions to replace the osCommerce banner and replaced it with an image that I named oscommerce.gif (haven't finished creating my banner). The image showed up fine and no worries until a few days later when I got rid of the 3 little images at the top right (shopping cart, etc.). When I refreshed and looked at the page, the small images were gone and so was my header. All that's left is a plain white space about 1/2" high. I thought maybe it was because the image (which only took up part of the left side) was too small, so I layered the image on top of a white background (758 x 180 px) and saved it as a gif under a different name. Then I followed the instructions so I could add in my own image in includes/header.php. I did a search to find the code that I needed to change and this is what I found:

<td valign="middle"><?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT) . '">' .  '</a>'; ?></td>


I added this according to your instructions:

[code]<td valign="middle"><?php echo '<a href="' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES.'sleepytime_header.gif', 'Sleepytime_Baby_Boutique'). '</a>';?></td>


It still doesn't work. :angry: I think I have the code right, but I'm not sure. After hours on the computer at work and home my perception is not the best. The odd thing is, in the banner manager it showed that I had a banner, although that isn't very helpful because what I see is a square that says TEXT_BANNERS_LAST_3_DAYS, which is what it said when my image WAS showing up in the banner. I went in to the banner manager and deleted the banner, then created a new one with the following:

Banner Title: My store name, Banner Group: 1, image (I had uploaded it) name. This is how it was filled out before, only the image was called oscommerce.gif. So, can you tell me what caused the banner to disappear in the first place? It was there in the beginning and disappeared when I got rid of the 3 top right cartoon pics. I've been back and forth through so many files by now that I'm getting completely lost. Any ideas about where I should look to fix this? I'm going to stop working on it for now as it's late and I need to get to sleep. Work tomorrow. Any help will be appreciated.



Becky :blush:

Hi ToyIce,

This is a great thread and very helpful. I followed the instructions to replace the osCommerce banner and replaced it with an image that I named oscommerce.gif (haven't finished creating my banner). The image showed up fine and no worries until a few days later when I got rid of the 3 little images at the top right (shopping cart, etc.). When I refreshed and looked at the page, the small images were gone and so was my header. All that's left is a plain white space about 1/2" high. I thought maybe it was because the image (which only took up part of the left side) was too small, so I layered the image on top of a white background (758 x 180 px) and saved it as a gif under a different name. Then I followed the instructions so I could add in my own image in includes/header.php. I did a search to find the code that I needed to change and this is what I found:

<td valign="middle"><?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT) . '">' .  '</a>'; ?></td>


I added this according to your instructions:

[code]<td valign="middle"><?php echo '<a href="' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES.'sleepytime_header.gif', 'Sleepytime_Baby_Boutique'). '</a>';?></td>


It still doesn't work. :angry: I think I have the code right, but I'm not sure. After hours on the computer at work and home my perception is not the best. The odd thing is, in the banner manager it showed that I had a banner, although that isn't very helpful because what I see is a square that says TEXT_BANNERS_LAST_3_DAYS, which is what it said when my image WAS showing up in the banner. I went in to the banner manager and deleted the banner, then created a new one with the following:

Banner Title: My store name, Banner Group: 1, image (I had uploaded it) name. This is how it was filled out before, only the image was called oscommerce.gif. So, can you tell me what caused the banner to disappear in the first place? It was there in the beginning and disappeared when I got rid of the 3 top right cartoon pics. I've been back and forth through so many files by now that I'm getting completely lost. Any ideas about where I should look to fix this? I'm going to stop working on it for now as it's late and I need to get to sleep. Work tomorrow. Any help will be appreciated.



Becky :blush:


Uh oh. This was supposed to go in Tips & Tricks/Basic Design thread, which is where I was reading when I added this post . . . I'm not sure how it ended up here, I haven't looked at this part of the forum before. Can it be deleted or moved? I don't want to get in trouble for posting the same question in two parts of the forum, but I really need an answer to this question. :( Apologies for the mistake, however it happened.




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