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The e-commerce.

admin access


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after downloading os commerce from my hosters package,


how do i start editing the files???


is it via a oscommerce admin/control panel ?? if how do i find it??

can someone give me an example....


or the files changed via myphpadmin ???


tanking you all in advance..........


If your hosting company is worth the maoney you pay them they yes call them and they will help you understand the database issue and the login to admin area--they probably wont help with much else with osc but they will at least do that

"I must admit that I personally measure success in terms of the contributions an individual makes to her or his fellow human beings."

---Margaret Mead---


"The answer is never the answer. What's really interesting is the mystery. If you seek the mystery instead of the answer, you'll always be seeking. I've never seen anybody really find the answer -- they think they have, so they stop thinking. But the job is to seek mystery, evoke mystery, plant a garden in which strange plants grow and mysteries bloom. The need for mystery is greater than the need for an answer.

--Ken Kesey"

after downloading os commerce from my hosters package,


how do i start editing the files???


is it via a oscommerce admin/control panel ?? if how do i find it??

can someone give me an example....


or the files changed via myphpadmin ???


tanking you all in advance..........

The best way to edit files is by ftp'ing to your site, downloading the file you want to it and using an editor on your computer to make the changes. There are many, free, editors and ftp programs available. The file manager in your admin section is most likely broken and should not be used. But even if it has been patched to work, it is slow and cumbersome to use. The phpmyadmin program is for managing your database, not your files. You typically won't have to use it until you are ready to start installing contribuitons so I wouldn't worry about that for now.



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