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how to change url?


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I want to change http://mydomain.com/oscommerce to http://oscommerce. What shall i do?

Many thanks in advance!

Yes, i can log in cpanel and create subdomain. So if i do like that, when i input http://mydomain.com, it will display the content on http://mydomain.com/oscommerce? The url is still http://mydomain.com, or it will be changed to http://mydomain.com/oscommerce? And is there some problem for search engine to find it?

Thanks for your help.

Yes, i can log in cpanel and create subdomain. So if i do like that, when i input http://mydomain.com, it will display the content on http://mydomain.com/oscommerce? The url is still http://mydomain.com, or it will be changed to http://mydomain.com/oscommerce? And is there some problem for search engine to find it?

Thanks for your help.


I think you're getting confused. Do you want your store (located at http://mydomain.com/oscommerce) to be availabe if people just go to http://mydomain.com?


If so then a subdomain is not really what you want. You will have to move your store out of the /oscommerce/ folder and into the root (http://mydomain.com). There are many postings on here about moving your store (it's pretty quick and simple)

I think you're getting confused. Do you want your store (located at http://mydomain.com/oscommerce) to be availabe if people just go to http://mydomain.com?


If so then a subdomain is not really what you want. You will have to move your store out of the /oscommerce/ folder and into the root (http://mydomain.com). There are many postings on here about moving your store (it's pretty quick and simple)

Thanks for your help. I think i should do these:

1. move the /oscommerce/folder into the root

2. edit catalog/includes/configure.php and catalog/admin/includes/configure.php

Right? What else shall i do?

Thanks for your help. I think i should do these:

1. move the /oscommerce/folder into the root

2. edit catalog/includes/configure.php and catalog/admin/includes/configure.php

Right? What else shall i do?


The oscommerce folder is already in the root. Move everything *inside* it into the root.


Once you have moved it and changed the paths in the two config files everything should be good. There's nothing else to do.

The oscommerce folder is already in the root. Move everything *inside* it into the root.


Once you have moved it and changed the paths in the two config files everything should be good. There's nothing else to do.

Thanks for your help. So when i edit configure.php, i will change something like this

define('DIR_WS_HTTP_CATALOG', '/oscommerce/'); to define('DIR_WS_HTTP_CATALOG', '');


Thanks for your help.

Hi, i get a problem. I download/upload oscommerce folder using ssh. But after i upload it, i find some folder's permission is changed. Some folders' permission should be 777. But after i upload it, it is changed. What shall i do? Shall i change it manually? I am not sure which folder'permission i should change?

Thanks for your help.


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