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Hello all,


I wanted to use the great contribute of the STS or even the STSPlus version, but the steps keep saying

put it in the catolog section, and I have installed my OSC by my hosting thru Fantasico and it installed

it in my main root or my domain name root section, but I am a bit confused as to if this STS contribute

will work from my main root which means I dont have a catolog section or do I?


Please if someone here who is much more experienced then me when it comes to the PHP side of these scripts

can be so kind as to tell me if the install will work from my main root without messing up the install of

my store I really could use some help here please?


I should also mention that I have already edited out the privacy and the conditions page

as well as I had added a google box to the files to include the yahoo banners on both sides of my site

so again will this make it more difficult to now use the STS contribute and will this change the work I have

thus far done to the site, I also changed out the logo at the top as well. again not much have I done to the

script themselves but all the same would appreciate some guidance as to if I can proceed with this new

contribute now that I have made some alterations to the files themselves?

The way I understand the STS contribute it that it will allow me to use HTLM with this script here which I thought would work for me as I belong to affiliate programs and wanted to implement them into our store again if this is a workable thing to accomplish?

thanks so very much to all who can be so kind as to put me on the right path to proceed with this project I will welcome all feed back and help with this request.




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