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sign-up and log in problem


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My shop is not yet operational and I've tried to sign-up as a customer to verify if everything works.

I assume one is supposed to get an account activation e-mail? I didn't get any. The customer doesn't show in my customers' list.

I tried to log in but the system said the user and password are not recognized.


What settings do I need to solve this?

~ Don't mistake my kindness for weakness ~


start by checking your email settings in osc Admin->Configuration->EMail Options


It is important to match the server settings and be enabled.


In e.mail options I've got these settings:


Email transport method sendmail

Email linefeeds LF

Use MIME HTML when sending emails false

Verify e-mail addresses through DNS false

send e-mails true



In the documentation there's no explanation about how to set this, under e-mail options it simply says "to be done".

How does one know how to do it when they've never done it before? :(

~ Don't mistake my kindness for weakness ~


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