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DHTML menus go behind OSC


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hi, i am new to OSC and to development in general.

My Site is using drop down menus they work fine on non OSC pages, but i cant get them to work properly on the OSC pages. they keep apearing behind the cart and not on top. has anyone encountered this b4? can any one help me?

currently using OSC2.2MS2 051113 with the following contributions:


AJAX Attributemanager 2.1 - All_products 4.4 - Banner manager 1.5b - banner hack picture in manager * description in product listing hack ms2 v2.4 * drop shadow boxes v.1.1 * Easy populater 2.76d-ms2 by surfalot * FCKEditor * header tag controller v2.5.9 * jcssmenu * LoginBox 5.6 * option type feature v1.71 * OSC-Cach-v1.1 * popup_imagecleaned_stilized_2 * Remove from cart button hack * scrolling bestsellers * Article manager1.4 * Links Manager v1.14. * proffessional invoice&packingslip 6.1 * Ultimate SEO URLs

Personaly i think all these features NEED to be in the main core as they are quite basic features that are missing. but then again what do i know?


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