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Make search feature search all pages?

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Is there a way to modify the search box in osCommerce so that it will search all pages in the site, not just the products? Or maybe a contribution to replace the default search? I want the search to encompass the whole site, so, for example, if someone searches for "water dragon" it will take them to the product page for my water dragon necklace, if they search for "buffy" it will take them to the page I made with my affiliate links, if they search for "custom items" it will take them to my FAQ page, etc.


Is there a way to modify the search box in osCommerce so that it will search all pages in the site, not just the products? Or maybe a contribution to replace the default search? I want the search to encompass the whole site, so, for example, if someone searches for "water dragon" it will take them to the product page for my water dragon necklace, if they search for "buffy" it will take them to the page I made with my affiliate links, if they search for "custom items" it will take them to my FAQ page, etc.



Treasurer MFC

Now is that a waste or what? lol any search engine can do that.


The difficultly in this is that osC uses files rather then storing the information in the DB. This does not mean that a site wide search is not possible, only that is is more complex in the reading of the files and returning of these page links.


There is a contribution to add text to the DB I posted many years ago here, if the text is contained within the DB, the the search is made easier and returned results can have the url defined for each page, by using the like %TERM% MySQL feature.



Peter M.

Peter McGrath


See my Profile (click here) for more information and to contact me for professional osCommerce support that includes SEO development, custom development and security implementation


You could try Site Search. It doesn't currently include product searches so you would need both tools on your site (this is a planned change though). Adding the google search box to your site will do them both but the pages have to be indexed by google or they won't show up.



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You could try Site Search. It doesn't currently include product searches so you would need both tools on your site (this is a planned change though). Adding the google search box to your site will do them both but the pages have to be indexed by google or they won't show up.




I downloaded Site Search, I'll give it a try. Thank you for letting me know I'd need both. I had already thought of Google, but as you said, the pages need to already be indexed by them, and since the store is only a month old, it's not indexed yet.



I downloaded and installed site_search, and put it in the same box as the standard search. for some reason, it is not performing the searches, it is just redirecting back to the main page. any idea why?



Odd. I tried moving it to the information box, and it did the same thing. I couldn't figure out why it was doing it. Where do you have it located in your use of it? Do you have it in one of the infoboxes, or somewhere else?



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