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The e-commerce.

Not so new site - looking for suggestions...

One Sixth Depot

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OK folks...


I have been "live" for 10 months now...


Through mass marketing (free forums, newsgroups, and word of mouth) I have gotten myself a pretty steady group of about 300 customers. My stock pretty much sells itself.


I would like to add some color - a nice theme maybe?


I have been in touch with several folks that want $250 PLUS to add some color for me - not my idea of a good investment...


I'd rather just "do it myself"...


But I have no idea how to do it - I am PhP ignorant, and I have NO idea how to program...


Everything I have done thus far is with a simple html editor.



Suggestions welcome...


Here ya go:




THIS STORE IS LIVE - orders WILL go through if placed.


Thanks for your help!


Bear Johnson


Yeah you defiantly need to do something with the site. I?d have someone overhaul it with a whole new layout, not just the colors and get the camo/outdoors look going since it seems it?s more military & outdoor based equipment.


I?ve had a few people do some work for me off elance.com. They took photoshop layouts I designed and implemented them into OsCommerce. It improved sales on my site within the first month! ( Link to my Website )


It was about what you?re being offered just for the color overhaul, so you may want to look elsewhere.


If you need help with it, let me know. Ill do what I can and if not I can lead you in the right direction.


Good Luck!




New Fields with Easy Populate

Remove Category Images


I would get a new catagories box like a drop down or one that has subcatagories and on mouseover the other pop out, reason is your cats are a country mile long no offense just a simple suggestion. I could help you out with a camo background that you could implament into the infobox headers along with custom camo buttons with a really cool font.


If you would like some help just let me know and I unlike some folks wont charge anything but a thank you.




Are you useful with photoshop or other similar graphics programs, ie: can you design a site look that you would want?


If so, its a case of finalising that design in say, photoshop, then slicing the image and using stylesheet and root files in oscommerce - and implementing it.



Have you thought about making your site narrower, as the trend seems to be toward sites of 760 wide and maybe a color backround?


All the best




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