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category box changes


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I'm not going to get involved with a manual edit as it makes no difference. If you have other mods you can contact me and I will give you the one two instructions.


Just replace categories.php in catalog/includes/boxes/ and place the two pointer images in catalog/images/



You will have to add to catalog/includes/languages/english.php



define('BOX_INFORMATION_PRODUCTS_NEW', 'Newest Products');

define('BOX_INFORMATION_SPECIALS', 'Specials');

define('BOX_DROPDOWN_MENUS', 'Goto...');



email me on joma"AT"austarnet.com.au if u need any help or visit

http://www.caravanmart.com.au for a demo. later




I found this contribution (to add blue arrows & get rid of --> in category box) from another thread. I am going to replace the categories.php file (I can't see if I have made any other changes in here which will replace too, but hope not?) & upload the two pointer images in catalog/images, but I am not sure where abouts to put the three defines within the catalog/includes/languages/english.php file? Do I put it after this


// categories box text in includes/boxes/categories.php

define('BOX_HEADING_CATEGORIES', 'Categories');


I'm unsure if I am understanding this correctly?


Thanks for your help



You can put them anywhere you like on the english.php file. Just keep them before the closing tag on the page.



"Woohoo, Just Havin Funnn!"

You can put them anywhere you like on the english.php file. Just keep them before the closing tag on the page.



Thanks Moon


This is where my lack of coding comes in. I'm off to do this now.




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