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[CONTRIBUTION] Authorize Net AIM module


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Does anyone have a bit of code for requiring entry of the CVV number on checkout_payment.php? I have AuthorizeNet AIM working perfectly, but would like to require the CVV rather than just have it as an optional field to fill out. Would like to use OSC form checks but am not clear on where I would access that.

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I had Authorize.net working but needed cvv. I installed the Authorize Net AIM module according to instructions and now get the following error when I go into payment module on my admin panel.


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class authorizenet_aim in /home/astro25/public_html/includes/modules/payment/authorizenet_aim.php on line 15


Can someone give me any insight on the problem?

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I have installed this module and can't seem to get it working. I'm running in test mode at Authorize.net and i have the setting set to test in the admin section of OASC. However every time a user tries to confirm their order they are sent back to the payment screen with ?error_message= in the address bar. However there is no error message. I have tried the suggestions made by "nfrobertson" for running on a windows server, and this did nothing. I am now at a total loss as to how to track this down and find out what is going on. Can anyone help me find out what is wrong with this?

Oh this site is https://thegemshop.com/catalog/ (currently in test mode)

Edited by dtchaos
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I have installed this module and can't seem to get it working. I'm running in test mode at Authorize.net and i have the setting set to test in the admin section of OASC. However every time a user tries to confirm their order they are sent back to the payment screen with ?error_message= in the address bar. However there is no error message. I have tried the suggestions made by "nfrobertson" for running on a windows server, and this did nothing. I am now at a total loss as to how to track this down and find out what is going on. Can anyone help me find out what is wrong with this?

Oh this site is https://thegemshop.com/catalog/ (currently in test mode)

After a little work i found out that the function

if ($x_response_code != '1') {
      tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT, 'error_message=' . $x_response_text . ' - ' . urlencode(MODULE_PAYMENT_AUTHORIZENET_AIM_TEXT_DECLINED_MESSAGE), 'SSL', true, false)); //peanuts


is getting called. But no message is being displayed to the user even though the MODUEL_ect. variabl is defined in includes/laguages/english/modues/payment/authorizenet_aim.php I have tried both servers https://certification.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll


and i still get the same non error. Anyone have any idea why this might happen I have tried every test creditcard in the list for the mod, i have no idea why this isn't working.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can someone take be back a giant step? This is my first https connection, and I want to be sure I'm performing the correct troubleshooting.


My host setup a Verisign secure certificate on my https folder, so I copied all files from "httpdocs" to "httpsdocs". For SEO I only want the https to be used within the checkout process, so I'll maintain mirror images of the directory files.


My config file appears as follows on both http and https folders:


  define('HTTP_SERVER', 'http://www.mydomain.com');
 define('HTTPS_SERVER', 'https://www.mydomain.com');
 define('ENABLE_SSL', true);
 define('HTTP_COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'www.mydomain.com');
 define('HTTPS_COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'www.mydomain.com');
 define('HTTP_COOKIE_PATH', '/');
 define('HTTPS_COOKIE_PATH', '/');


Am I treating everything properly for https so far?



My problem: https views correctly (yellow box with authentication logo) on /checkout_shipping.php... and on most other pages. However, /checkout_payment.php and /checkout_confirmation.php are blank pages.


Note /checkout_payment.php and /checkout_confirmation.php both appear correctly on an http page... I only have the problem on the https version.


Any guidance as to why this may be?


Thanks --


- CL

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All looks great with the AIM module (thanks Vger), but my cart isn't recording orders whether I'm processing test or live.


I was expecting to see them in these two places:





Any guidance is appreciated.





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Hi there.


I am having similar problems Vgr.


I have this installed on the latest and greatest osc and sts. I am on a godaddy server.


It was just timing out upon submit to auth.net but i got he curl proxy info from godaddy and it now goes through.


The problem is it is if there is an error, it returns to the checkout_payment.php screen with the error in the URL such as:





Can someone please tell me how to fix this?


Thanks so much for your help!



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My install works fine, except the confirmation emails from Authorize.net always show the value "1" as the invoice number.


I see this code for where it is getting the invoice number (order number) from for the x_invoice_num variable for authorize.net


// Calculate the next expected order id

$last_order_id = tep_db_query("select * from " . TABLE_ORDERS . " order by orders_id desc limit 1");

$new_order_id = $last_order_id->fields['orders_id'];

$new_order_id = ($new_order_id + 1);


But I don't see why I keep getting a "1" in that confirmation email from Authorize.net


Thanks for any help.

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I need some serious help here!


I've used this contrib for a long time with NO problems.


Suddenly, it just stopped working!


No transactions go through... I look on Authorize.net page and there are no transactions as unsettled being attempted.


What could have possibly changed as my host assures me nothing has changed on the server?


After emails with my webhost, he tells me:

"You still have an old version of PHP (4.3.11), so it has not been recompiled in a while. MySQL seems to be at 5.0 however. Was it always at that?"


Not quite sure what he's asking/telling me here.


The only thing I've done different to the store is the SSL expired today, and I renewed it and installed... and it's up and working just fine!


It's almost like its stopped "talking" to authorize.net, but nothings different.


I've tried using a new key, etc. It won't even work at all in test mode.


Any help or guidance would be MUCH appreciated.

Edited by jonw118
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I need some serious help here!


I've used this contrib for a long time with NO problems.


Suddenly, it just stopped working!


No transactions go through... I look on Authorize.net page and there are no transactions as unsettled being attempted.


What could have possibly changed as my host assures me nothing has changed on the server?


After emails with my webhost, he tells me:

"You still have an old version of PHP (4.3.11), so it has not been recompiled in a while. MySQL seems to be at 5.0 however. Was it always at that?"


Not quite sure what he's asking/telling me here.


The only thing I've done different to the store is the SSL expired today, and I renewed it and installed... and it's up and working just fine!


It's almost like its stopped "talking" to authorize.net, but nothings different.


I've tried using a new key, etc. It won't even work at all in test mode.


Any help or guidance would be MUCH appreciated.


Also- it says the error "Could Not Be Authorized For This Reason" but says nothing in front of it giving a reason.


I seriously need some help, we were launching today for the holidays... and now this.

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I keep getting this error in test mode...


(TESTMODE) This account has not been given the permission(s) required for this request. - Your credit card could not be authorized for this reason. Please correct any information and try again or contact us for further assistance.


the authorize account is in test mode and so is the shopping cart.

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My install works fine, except the confirmation emails from Authorize.net always show the value "1" as the invoice number.


I see this code for where it is getting the invoice number (order number) from for the x_invoice_num variable for authorize.net


// Calculate the next expected order id

$last_order_id = tep_db_query("select * from " . TABLE_ORDERS . " order by orders_id desc limit 1");

$new_order_id = $last_order_id->fields['orders_id'];

$new_order_id = ($new_order_id + 1);


But I don't see why I keep getting a "1" in that confirmation email from Authorize.net


Thanks for any help.

Try this...


// Calculate the next expected order id

$last_order_id = tep_db_query("select * from " . TABLE_ORDERS . " order by orders_id desc limit 1");

$last_order_id = tep_db_fetch_array($last_order_id );

$new_order_id = ($last_order_id['orders_id']+1);

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I'm having some trouble getting thepayment zone to work on this. I want it so that only US customers can use this module and all international go though Paypal. I have zones setup correctly because paypal works perfectly. it shows for international orders and not US orders. This auth.net module will show for both countries even with the zone set just for US. any help into this?


i'm having the same problem. anyone have a fix for this?

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I have upgraded my sites to MS2.2 RC1, and changed the credit card line in checkout_process to ('cc_number' => (substr_replace($order->info['cc_number'], ' xxxx xxxx ', 0, -4)),), but all I get in the database is XXXX, XXXX? It should put the last four digits into the database. Any ideas?


Thanks JR

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Hello All who read this:


I installed this on my shop. It works fantastic... thanks Vger. Except for one small issue. And, I know this issue has been beat more times than a dead horse on this. I would love for someone to come out with a coherent fix for this problem... it's the dreaded declined transaction appearing in the URL.


Basically, when a customer's card is declined, they are returned to the checkout_payment page (from the checkout_confirmation page) with no clue as to what has happened other than the URL has some fairly cryptic response (which it appears is controlled by the text file). I'm not a pro at this, but I don't really consider myself a noob. There was an equally cryptic addition to the contribution back in July of this year. The entire contribution says:


When the transaction is declined the error is displayed on the address bar. So this is a minor fix to show the customer what a message if the card is declined.

include this code below:

//for example I placed it under <?php echo TABLE_HEADING_PAYMENT_METHOD; ?>

<?php  $ccnotif = $_GET["error_message"]; ?>
<div style="color:#FF0000; font-weight:bold; font-style:italic "> <?php echo $ccnotif; ?></div>


Can someone please confirm if this is to go into the checkout_payment.php file? I tried it (among other things) some time ago, and couldn't get it to execute properly. Has anyone else accomplished this and gotten it to actually work.


Like I said... the contribution is great except for this weakness. This means that some of my customers put in the credit card information again and again and just rack up my declines. It's a major nuisance for those who simply need to change to a new card and resubmit. Everything to make paying customers happy, right?


Please, if anyone here can shed light on the subject in a coherent manner, please do.


Thanks in advance

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I installed this on my shop. It works fantastic... thanks Vger.

Same here!


"...if anyone here can shed light on the subject in a coherent manner, please do."


Well I tried this too and I can't get it to work.

I downloaded the xxxx thing by jasonabc 3 Feb 2007 and that works fine. Its so simple it doesn't deserve much explanation, but theres no mystery where to put it.


I always find it odd when a contrib with a discussion thread noted from the start, doesn't even warrant a post from the 'quick' contributor.

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//for example I placed it under <?php echo TABLE_HEADING_PAYMENT_METHOD; ?>



<?php $ccnotif = $_GET["error_message"]; ?>

<div style="color:#FF0000; font-weight:bold; font-style:italic "> <?php echo $ccnotif; ?></div>


And <?php echo TABLE_HEADING_PAYMENT_METHOD; ?> is found in the root level checkout_payment.php page.


I do not know if this fix works, because whether error messages appear on the page or in the address bar is more often related to the server set up rather than coding.


Whilst I published this module here I am UK Based and only did this for a customer, and it's not something I normally use or support.



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Login = [email protected]

PW = guest


I'm using this Authorize.net AIM contrib and there's no Credit Card Type option (which I know doesnt exist, but can we make it so that if you have a Mastercard and put the wrong number of numbers in the box it's invalid?) or Expiration Date entry?

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NM last post haha! I guess its working because after finalizing an order it returns to checkout_payment saying "(TESTMODE) This account has not been given the permission(s) required for this request."



Should I switch to Live in Authorize.netAIM to get orders going through because thats what I want to test?!

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