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The e-commerce.

Stuck at a missing install step?


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I've set up filezilla & downloaded osCommerce. The documentation on the osCommerce site mentions:


"Upload the catalog folder which includes the admin folder to your document root

(public_html, www, htdocs) using FTP."


The file extension for the osCommerce download is: .tgz


How do I open this .tgz file so that I can upload the contents of the catalog folder? I've modified a fantastico setup of osCommerce but never set it up from scratch


Thank you for your assistance.




Download the zip file version and use Winzip to unzip it. The files are the same it's only the unpacking method which is different.



Download the zip file version and use Winzip to unzip it. The files are the same it's only the unpacking method which is different.




Thanks I'll try that. Your response was VERY quick! B)


Ok I'm now installing


The documentation mentions:

"Changing file permissions

The permission on the catalog/includes/configure.php file needs to be set to 777 by logging into your root server and running "chmod 777 configure.php"."


I have set the following in c-panel:

Set permissions on configure.php -> 0777 /home/..../public_html/includes


and when I go to:



I get:

FATAL ERROR: register_globals is disabled in php.ini, please enable it!


Where to now.....????


If you have access to a local php.ini file, somewhere in the lower bowels of your FTP folders then you can edit that file to show Register Globals On. If you don't have access to a local copy of the php.ini file then put this in a .htaccess file in the root of your web (Apache based servers only).


php_flag register_globals on




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