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The e-commerce.

table_background image

Brad Krattiger

Recommended Posts


The table_background image does not show up on the catogories pages for some reason.


Where do I find this image and what file does it need to be in.


thank you very much






the category image is not the same as the table_background image. check back to your category in admin - see if you actually added a category image - if you left that blank then a blank / no image will show.

when you create a category, you choose an image for that category and upload it like you would for a new product image.


Mark Brindle


I understand about uploading my image for my product.


What is missing is the small image that is right below the

"My Account" link at the top right section of the page. Small images are in that location throughout the osCommerce template.

But, they are not on any of the catagories pages.


I hope that i am making this clear enough and thank you for responding.




Hi Brad,


ok.. go to admin and click categories...

you will see buttons for new category, new product plus on the far right side you will see 'edit / delete / move'


these are applied to your categories - NOT just the products.

Each category when you create one has the option of an image for the category. You can edit the category again and add an image to each one. These are NOT default - they are per-category. So choose maybe one product image for each category to use - one that is in that category.


If you have nested categories - the images are also used in a larger size on the subcategory pages, but they get used on the top right hand side for each category too...


Mark Brindle


well Mark,


now I'm a little lost.

Where is admin and click catagories?


I feel silly to ask but my Administration page does not offer a

link to go to catagories.


I must be looking in the wrong area...


What do you think?




admin/catalog look at the left navigation menu you will see Categories/Products


You should be in Categories/Products when you click Catalog


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