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Need help with BANNERS


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When I click on a banner id like it to open in the same window instead of a new window....anybody know how to do that?


Im using banners to link to sales items and other special items within my site, thats why I dont need it to open in a new window.


Thanks for any help :thumbsup:

When I click on a banner id like it to open in the same window instead of a new window....anybody know how to do that?


Im using banners to link to sales items and other special items within my site, thats why I dont need it to open in a new window.


Thanks for any help :thumbsup:



find the banner code and remove the _blank from it.

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That's true above I just wanted to add something. I am not going to tell you how to build your site or anything, but just a friendly reminder in case you this didn't cross your mind. If you are running advertising banners for other sites and what not. Then when a visiter clicks on one of those banners it will take them away from your site. That's the reason why they coded it with the _blank in it. Reason being is if it opened a new window it will remind them about your site and they are still their. Otherwise they might not come back if it is opened in the same window and in most cases people forget where they come from and don't go back. So make sure it's what you want to do in removing that and you will not be running other banners that redirect outside your site. Just a heads up.

Search the forum and contributions before posting. If that doesn't work, keep looking, then post. The forum is for seeking help and advice NOT for someone to do your work for you. Try to do something on your on, if you are going to run a shop then learn how it works.

That's true above I just wanted to add something. I am not going to tell you how to build your site or anything, but just a friendly reminder in case you this didn't cross your mind. If you are running advertising banners for other sites and what not. Then when a visiter clicks on one of those banners it will take them away from your site. That's the reason why they coded it with the _blank in it. Reason being is if it opened a new window it will remind them about your site and they are still their. Otherwise they might not come back if it is opened in the same window and in most cases people forget where they come from and don't go back. So make sure it's what you want to do in removing that and you will not be running other banners that redirect outside your site. Just a heads up.


Thats why I said that im using banners to link to stuff within my own site.....as in not other peoples sites. Im using the banners to randomly advertise things in my own site.



finally found it, thanks


That's cool, just wanted to bring it to your attention in case you ever decided added banners to link outside of your site with your internal advertising banners.


Since you have removed it and if you every do decided to charge for advertising space to list a banner and what not. When you enter the url for it to link to you can always add the _blank to the url when you enter it in the admin section for the banners and still keep the other banner configuration. Just an option to keep in mind in case you ever do what to use the banners to advertise.

Search the forum and contributions before posting. If that doesn't work, keep looking, then post. The forum is for seeking help and advice NOT for someone to do your work for you. Try to do something on your on, if you are going to run a shop then learn how it works.


good idea.


Quick question. Im removing the _blank from the following line:

$banner_string = '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_REDIRECT, 'action=banner&goto=' . $banner['banners_id']) . '" target="_blank">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $banner['banners_image'], $banner['banners_title']) . '</a>';


Would this be correct?:

$banner_string = '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_REDIRECT, 'action=banner&goto=' . $banner['banners_id']) . '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $banner['banners_image'], $banner['banners_title']) . '</a>';


Thanks, just wanna make sure im doing it correctly. :blush:


Yea that looks correct to me. I guess you'll know if it's not if it doesn't work...LoL

Search the forum and contributions before posting. If that doesn't work, keep looking, then post. The forum is for seeking help and advice NOT for someone to do your work for you. Try to do something on your on, if you are going to run a shop then learn how it works.

  • 3 years later...

When I click my banners the page opens up in place of my site, it is set with the target="_blank">' under includes/functions/banner.php any help with getting my banners to open in there own window will be helpful?:unsure:


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