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Hi All,


I recently installed the "Google XML Sitemap w/ Admin" mod. I (think) I followed all the instructions to the letter, however when I enter the admin->tools->google sitemaps and click on the step one button I get the following message in a popup window.


------ ERROR MESSAGE ------


Warning: main(includes/languages/english/FILENAME_GOOGLE_SITEMAPS): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/sharpe-family.co.uk/subdomains/deliclass/httpdocs/osCommerce/sitemaps.index.php on line 33


Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required 'includes/languages/english/FILENAME_GOOGLE_SITEMAPS' (include_path='.:/php/includes:/usr/local/psa/apache_base/2005-04-21/apache_nossl/lib/php') in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/sharpe-family.co.uk/subdomains/deliclass/httpdocs/osCommerce/sitemaps.index.php on line 33




Ive probably done something very simple wrong, if anyone could shed some light on this I will be most grateful!

  • 2 weeks later...
Hi All,


I recently installed the "Google XML Sitemap w/ Admin" mod. I (think) I followed all the instructions to the letter, however when I enter the admin->tools->google sitemaps and click on the step one button I get the following message in a popup window.


------ ERROR MESSAGE ------


Warning: main(includes/languages/english/FILENAME_GOOGLE_SITEMAPS): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/sharpe-family.co.uk/subdomains/deliclass/httpdocs/osCommerce/sitemaps.index.php on line 33


Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required 'includes/languages/english/FILENAME_GOOGLE_SITEMAPS' (include_path='.:/php/includes:/usr/local/psa/apache_base/2005-04-21/apache_nossl/lib/php') in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/sharpe-family.co.uk/subdomains/deliclass/httpdocs/osCommerce/sitemaps.index.php on line 33




Ive probably done something very simple wrong, if anyone could shed some light on this I will be most grateful!


I'm having exactly same problem, please let me know if you find a fix for that. I start thinking it's a bug

  • 2 weeks later...
I'm having exactly same problem, please let me know if you find a fix for that. I start thinking it's a bug



Same problem here. I have no clue how - seems like its missing a file? it would be nice if someone uploaded a contribution that had good instructions, included all the files and worked out of the box! <_<




I think i wrong any istructions on procedure of installation.


Sorry all people for inconvenince.


I think the problem is one:


Add in /catalog/includes/filenames :


// Google site maps

define('FILENAME_GOOGLE_SITEMAPS', 'sitemaps.index.php');



and in /catalog/admin/includes/filenames :

// Google XML Sitemap

define('FILENAME_GOOGLE_SITEMAP', 'googlesitemap.php');

// Fine


Google XML Sitemap w/Admin


Getting this error when trying to run the task or (CRON) :


"Unable to run task.

Unable to find process path for the (php E:\inetpub\vhosts\barrettenterprize.com\httpdocs\sitemaps.index.php): (123) The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect."


I am on a Windows Server. Any suggestion would be helpful. Thanks...

  • 4 weeks later...

my store is a subdomain of my site so how do i add that to the sitemap to do the store and the site


www.richardgoodallgallery.com and www.richardgoodallgallery.com/rggstore



  • 10 months later...

I have given the link to this post as the official support thread on the contrib area


I got one question regarding some addon that have not been reused by newer version:


Multi languages Page submit mediatree 3 Apr 2006 : this modification in the class file !i can now support multi language pages



i d like to know what this addon add ? just to be able to see the admin page in each language or , it allow to make some google sitemap for multilanguage shops

because you got to tell google that you got several link for the same product depending of the language ?


if it ise usefull can someone add it to the last version and repackage it ?



no... its useless unless you are able to understand english... a sitemap is just a collection of links... you dont need any language for it... its just for the admin. the last update.... contains english german... if you use english admin, this is enough for you, if not, add the other language files.

no... its useless unless you are able to understand english... a sitemap is just a collection of links... you dont need any language for it... its just for the admin. the last update.... contains english german... if you use english admin, this is enough for you, if not, add the other language files.



i think you maybe wrong , because i tried the last version and also, the modified one and i can see in the odified one there here for each product 3 links because i got 3 languages , so i think the modified version is very usefull :blink:



Got the following error:

The requested URL /catalog/sitemaps.index.php was not found on this server.


So I changed the following line in /admin/googlesitemap.php:

<a href="java script:(void 0)" class="splitPageLink" onClick="window.open('<?php echo $HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG . $url;?>','google','resizable=0,statusbar=5,width=960,height=310,top=0,left=50,scrollbars=yes')"><strong><?php echo EXEC_GOOGLE_SITEMAPS; ?></strong></a>


<a href="java script:(void 0)" class="splitPageLink" onClick="window.open('<?php echo HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG . $url;?>','google','resizable=0,statusbar=5,width=960,height=310,top=0,left=50,scrollbars=yes')"><strong><?php echo EXEC_GOOGLE_SITEMAPS; ?></strong></a>


and now I get a blank box and cannot find any site maps.


Anyone have a clue as to what is happening here?


Does anyone know how to un-install this contrib?


I installed it into my www.mydomain.com/catalog/ And it worked brilliantly!!!


Today I got rig of the "/catalog/" portion and changed the root to www.mydomain.com/


Now it doesn't work anymore. I get a failure on all 3 files so I would like to try to uninstall then reinstall.




Does anyone know how to un-install this contrib?


I installed it into my www.mydomain.com/catalog/ And it worked brilliantly!!!


Today I got rig of the "/catalog/" portion and changed the root to www.mydomain.com/


Now it doesn't work anymore. I get a failure on all 3 files so I would like to try to uninstall then reinstall.



Does anyone know how to un-install this contrib?


I installed it into my www.mydomain.com/catalog/ And it worked brilliantly!!!


Today I got rig of the "/catalog/" portion and changed the root to www.mydomain.com/


Now it doesn't work anymore. I get a failure on all 3 files so I would like to try to uninstall then reinstall.





There are only 4 files you changed and the changes were all adds. So remove or comment out the changes.








There are 7 files that were added to your site, so just remove them and that should uninstall.











Any chance of anyone structuring a proper install document? Had one look at it, and could only shake my head....


Contribs are there to make it easy for members and users, not confuse the daylight out of them!


I don't have Chemo's Ultimate SEO URLs contribution installed and I don't have Use Search Engine Friendly URLs enabled (I think this didn't work) so would this work for me?


Is this a good site map tool? Trying to find one that works good has been the bane of my existence. I am eager to find a good site map tool.


What is required to use Search Engine Friendly URLs? I thought it was beta and then I heard that you needed to be on a dedicated host.

Posted (edited)


I need help to get my NIMIT SEF URLs in my google sitemap.

I used this Google XML Sitemap w/ Admin together with NIMIT SEF

and result is that in the google sitemap I have the standerd OSC URLs.


Please help or provide alternative that offers SEF URLs and sitemap.





Now I have in my sitemap:



What I really want in my sitemap is:


Edited by mombutu2007

On the page for this contrib it says:

" specifically customized this set for those of you not using his Ultimate SEO contribution"

Does this mean it will not work if you are using Ultimate SEO URL's? If so, what sitemap contrib will work with Ultimate SEO URL's?



I need help to get my NIMIT SEF URLs in my google sitemap.

I used this Google XML Sitemap w/ Admin together with NIMIT SEF

and result is that in the google sitemap I have the standerd OSC URLs.


Please help or provide alternative that offers SEF URLs and sitemap.





Now I have in my sitemap:



What I really want in my sitemap is:


I have the same concerns. My XML data is just like yours. http://gourmetsoiree.com/product_info.php?products_id=111

When I click on it it takes me to the correct page and the url shows the Ultimate urls like it should. My only concern is how this link is going to look after google processes it? Am I going to be seeing a link in google formatted like http://gourmetsoiree.com/product_info.php?products_id=111 or will it get the correct link http://gourmetsoiree.com/milk-chocolate-go...ates-p-111.html when it crawls my site?


Anyone know?




To bigajosep


On the page for this contrib it says:

" specifically customized this set for those of you not using his Ultimate SEO contribution"

Does this mean it will not work if you are using Ultimate SEO URL's? If so, what sitemap contrib will work with Ultimate SEO URL's?



I just added today this contribution to my website, I use the Ultimate SEO contrib also and works good.


You need to set to "TRUE" on Admin -> configuration -> my store -> Use Search-Engine Safe URLs (still in development) and re test the sitemap creation in case you dont get the SEO URLs working. Good luck


I hope this help

I have the same concerns. My XML data is just like yours. http://gourmetsoiree.com/product_info.php?products_id=111

When I click on it it takes me to the correct page and the url shows the Ultimate urls like it should. My only concern is how this link is going to look after google processes it? Am I going to be seeing a link in google formatted like http://gourmetsoiree.com/product_info.php?products_id=111 or will it get the correct link http://gourmetsoiree.com/milk-chocolate-go...ates-p-111.html when it crawls my site?


Anyone know?




To gmltw

Try setting "true" on Admin, Configuration, My Store, Use Search-Engine Safe URLs (still in development). That workes for me, and re test the sitemap creation in its section.

Good luck


I have the same concerns. My XML data is just like yours. http://gourmetsoiree.com/product_info.php?products_id=111

When I click on it it takes me to the correct page and the url shows the Ultimate urls like it should. My only concern is how this link is going to look after google processes it? Am I going to be seeing a link in google formatted like http://gourmetsoiree.com/product_info.php?products_id=111 or will it get the correct link http://gourmetsoiree.com/milk-chocolate-go...ates-p-111.html when it crawls my site?


Anyone know?




To gmltw

Try setting "true" on Admin, Configuration, My Store, Use Search-Engine Safe URLs (still in development). That workes for me, and re test the sitemap creation in its section.

Good luck


I don't have Chemo's Ultimate SEO URLs contribution installed and I don't have Use Search Engine Friendly URLs enabled (I think this didn't work) so would this work for me?


Is this a good site map tool? Trying to find one that works good has been the bane of my existence. I am eager to find a good site map tool.


What is required to use Search Engine Friendly URLs? I thought it was beta and then I heard that you needed to be on a dedicated host.


This is a good one, I tried 3 sitemaps generators before this one and I think this is cool.


Its not necessary to have a Chemo's Ultimate SEO neither Use Search Engine. Download this, it has a good screenshot, look my XML sitemap, I am adding some products today-tomorrow, and its possible that it changes a little.

URL: http://www.noelda.com/peru/sitemapindex.xml


I hope this help



Hi All,


I recently installed the "Google XML Sitemap w/ Admin" mod. I (think) I followed all the instructions to the letter, however when I enter the admin->tools->google sitemaps and click on the step one button I get the following message in a popup window.


------ ERROR MESSAGE ------


Warning: main(includes/languages/english/FILENAME_GOOGLE_SITEMAPS): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/sharpe-family.co.uk/subdomains/deliclass/httpdocs/osCommerce/sitemaps.index.php on line 33


Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required 'includes/languages/english/FILENAME_GOOGLE_SITEMAPS' (include_path='.:/php/includes:/usr/local/psa/apache_base/2005-04-21/apache_nossl/lib/php') in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/sharpe-family.co.uk/subdomains/deliclass/httpdocs/osCommerce/sitemaps.index.php on line 33



Yeah, same problem here. I should'a known better. Who gives a damn about diff's and chunks and - and +, dates, times or other obtuse distractions. I thought I'd take chance again when I saw the new instructions, but I figure this isn't going to work on my shared server anyhoo. The only place I find the path the error is talking about is my two configure.php files, yet my site is working perfectly with SSL and 25 other contributions.


I tried it again with the new instructions and hit another wall with the above errors. I don't have SEO installed. I don't think it really matters. I turned on and off the Search Engine Safe URL's with no differences noted.


It's time to put this puppy to sleep (and get some myself) and use something like - http://www.xml-sitemaps.com/ It's free and it works.


The split up files for the sitemap examples were strange enough, but this contribution doesn't handle anything other than google anyway. There's still a text based file needed for Yahoo and maybe an html based for my home page. A total of 6 hours spend on two nights, but hey, I'm getting better at recovering my system with backups...

To gmltw

Try setting "true" on Admin, Configuration, My Store, Use Search-Engine Safe URLs (still in development). That workes for me, and re test the sitemap creation in its section.

Good luck


WOW! I can't believe it! It actually worked. :D


Not that I doubted you, Jon, it's just that I have tried to set my Search-Engine Safe URLs to on several times through out the last two months as I have been building our site and every time that I have tried I would always get the errors that most talk about associated with having it on. I'm scratching my head here. I wonder which of the last three or four contribs I added fixed the problem? This is great! It is showing the links just as I want them now.


Thank you very much!




Hi Jonatan,


I tried your solution. ( to activate OSC SEF URLs)


And the result is that I get the standard OSC SEF URLs:




on the site and in the sitemap. ( I don't want this result)


So it over rides my NIMIT SEF URLs.


I would really like a contribution (or a combination of contribs) that gives me these types of URLs:




Both in sitemap & site visible to customers & search engines.


Please help.

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