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Getting "can't find the page" for create account and Log in


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:angry: I am having a problem with the OsC. It already had the "welcome Guest!" along with a "log yourself in" and "create new account" links, I get this error on both links "The page cannot be displayed

The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. etc." https://oregonorg.com/gear/login.php is the url for login it shows and for the url showing for create new acc't is showing "https://oregonorg.com/gear/create_account.php" I don't even know if this is a correct url or something that OsC creates for me kinda like "contact us" I am new to all of this please help me. Thank you so much My web site is www.oregonorg.com if that helps


do you have an ssl certificate? if not, disable it in includes/configure.php and that would explain why you're receiving 404's


your site doesn't load for me at all


How exactly do I disable it? I opened the file config like you said and saw enable ssl = true I replaced true with false is there anything else I need to do?

is there anything else I need to do?



Your site still has it enabled. No matter - the reason you are getting the page not found messages is because you do not have your own security certificate and dedicated IP.


Simply use the free, shared SSL your ISP (should have) provided you with for your account instead. Find out what the URL is from your ISP and then go into the config file and change the HTTPS paths to this URL.


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