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attributes setting


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Is it possible to set attribute price, based on attribute before it?




Let's say i have aproduct, that basicly cost 10$. I add attributes:


a: +1$ (price together 11$)

b: +2$ (price together 12$)

c: +3$ (price together 13$)


Than I add another attribute "X".


1. If an "a" option was chosen in first attribute, the value is +3$.

2. If an "b" option was chosen in first attribute, the value is +5$.

2.If an "c" option was chosen in first attribute, the value is +10$.


Is it possible to do that? Because as far as i could understand, the price of option in attributes allways go directly to product, no matter what other atributes (before that one) were chosen.


I hope, i have managed to explain good enough, what i am asking.


Thank you for your help.



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