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php.ini - Where is it?

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The main php.ini file covers the whole server, so you won't have access to it - unless you own your own dedicated server.


There may be a local php.ini file which you can access, but this is not guaranteed. FTP to your website, to the root of your web, and instead of going up the tree of folders e.g. includes/languages etc. try going down the tree of folders as far as you are able. If your web root is at /var/www/html/ try going to /var/www/ or /var/ or just /. Look in any folder you can find to see if there is a local php.ini file - but especially in a folder called etc.


If you can't find a local php.ini file that way - then you don't have access to one and will have to find another solution to whatever problem you are referring to.



i've been told i need to change something in the php.ini file but i have no idea where or what it is

Someone please help???



Some settings can be overridden with a copy of php.ini in the direectory having the problem. You could try that.



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