Shezzy Posted March 11, 2006 Posted March 11, 2006 Fire away ------------- Made Link Clickable Andrew
abra123cadabra Posted March 11, 2006 Posted March 11, 2006 Fire away Hi Shezzy, I'll make a start... When I saw the domain name I thought you are going to sell me something connected to Ryan Air (Airline) not parts for aircondition systems. The page layout is too wide for my liking. I use a 17" monitor in 1024x768 mode but I rarely open my browser to full screen. In 800x600 mode I can't see much of your page and have to scroll to the right to see that I miss some of the main contents box and the manufacturers logos on the right. The images of the parts in the main box are too low quality. They are blurred. If you think you need a scrolling text to tell me you got a promotion on, make it either blink or scroll but please not both. It distracts me from the rest of the page. Hm. In the left column you tell me who I'm dealing with and how to contact you. Then comes a counter (which I would not show at all to my visitors) and underneath are what I first thought categories but a closer examination tells me they are just a information and not links. Leaving me to wonder how I can get to see some products. The main contents box shows me a big image with the heading: "Essential for Conservatories" ... aehm... what exactly is essential???? Found the entrance to the real shop and up comes an out of the box original oscommerce. I can choose languages: cool, I'll have english please. If you only offer one language, remove the box. The huge image at the bottom of the page transports me right back to the homepage. It's too big and of no use down there for me. The picture itself doesn't do anything for me either. All Items updated regulary We value above all,our long term customer relations. Firstly I would expect that you keep your store updated. Secondly, the fact that you value your long term customer relations above all puts me off as a potential new customer. There seem to be no prices in your catalog. Whatever I put in my cart, I still have to register and login to get a quotation from you. The login/register page is missing SSL so why should I not just write down the items I wish to get more information about and give you a call? Sorry but I would look for another provider of similar products to get the price and delivery information. A normal customer compares prices and that's at least what your catalog should offer me. Sorry to sound negative but there is absolutely nothing exciting about your shop to get my attention. abra The First Law of E-Commerce: If the user can't find the product, the user can't buy the product. Feedback and suggestions on my shop welcome. Note: My advice is based on my own experience or on something I read in these forums. No guarantee it'll work for you! Make sure that you always BACKUP the database and the files you are going to change so that you can rollback to a working version if things go wrong.
Shezzy Posted March 13, 2006 Author Posted March 13, 2006 Thank you do you feel i should remove the front page and just go with the shop? I am new to this and am still figuring out how to change the layout. The market we operate in is strictly for contractors not general public so pricing is not an option as i cannot be seen to be selling out of our marketplace. Thank you for your comments ,without them i would just be bumbling along thinking my efforts look great! lol
abra123cadabra Posted March 13, 2006 Posted March 13, 2006 Hi Shezzy, yes, I would go directly for the shop or at least place the information on the homepage in an obvious "not links" way to tell in a few words what I can expect in your shop. For the rest (which is the biggest part) you can find a starting point in the documentation that comes with osCommerce. It describes where you can make changes to your layout. Furthermore there are lots of contributions to add new features to your shop. Some of them can help you to easily change the look with templates. My own shop is still in development and I have to admit that I kind of tried to put too much into it. If you are interested to take a look feel free to PM me. I am not using any of the template contributions but am rather changing the look and feel by modifying the stylesheet and the php pages in question but that involves a lot of learning if you are not familiar with css, html and php. For the part of being just a shop for your contractors rather than the general public. I think even a contractor would appreciate prices. Otherwise your shop just serves as a catalog. There are a few contributions out there for seperate pricing for different customers, for discounts etc. Maybe that would help to improve the use for your customers. abra The First Law of E-Commerce: If the user can't find the product, the user can't buy the product. Feedback and suggestions on my shop welcome. Note: My advice is based on my own experience or on something I read in these forums. No guarantee it'll work for you! Make sure that you always BACKUP the database and the files you are going to change so that you can rollback to a working version if things go wrong.
♥peterpil19 Posted March 14, 2006 Posted March 14, 2006 " Warning: I am able to write to the configuration file: /home/wwwryan/public_html/catalogue/includes/configure.php. This is a potential security risk - please set the right user permissions on this file." As long as the above is showing, your site is not going to look very trustworthy. Please change the file permission of your config file. Also, the banner at the bottom is not working. Install a thumbnailer, your pictures will kill dialup users otherwise. Install Chemo's Page Cache and SEO URL contributions. Install the centershop contribution. Tidy up your product descriptions, customers don't have time nor patience to read an essay. Who are you? A page on your store (with an obvious link from main page) describing you and your business will create a level of trust in your customers. As you are incorporated as a limited liability company, perhaps provide your ABN/ACN (or whatever, depends on your country). The logo in the lefthand corner is far too small. The writing is not visible. If you cannot fit it nicely in the header, perhaps the header is the wrong place for it to go? Fix your footer bar (or whatever it is called, I've forgotten). It is too thick. Remove "requests since" because it doesn't mean anything to a customer. Also since it increases each time you refresh your page, it doesn't contain any useful information. Since you have only one language, remove the languages box. The blue background doesn't go well with the white in the product images. I think a clear white in at least your "New Products Box" will clean up the look or your store. Your store is struggling to load on my computer and I have 1.5mps conncection. If this is a problem for anyone else, perhaps consider a new hosting provider. Good Luck with your store, keep up the hard work! Remember, this the first impression customers get about your business. Make it a good one, and make it last! Regards, Peter CE PHOENIX SUPPORTER Support the Project, go PRO and get access to certified add ons Full-time I am a C-suite executive of a large retail company in Australia. In my spare time, I enjoying learning about web-design. Download the latest version of CE Phoenix from gitHub here
Guest Posted March 15, 2006 Posted March 15, 2006 From a front end pov, it's too cluttered. You're average industrialist using noo fangled puters will take one look at your default page and go get more donuts. Lighten up the middle by using light colours and infobox customiser. Lose the right hand column and get all the information you then are missing across in processes. Mod the categories menu box and get the log in and shop cart in right under it so they know for sure they can buy stuff and it's worth looking. I love the human touch product photos, cool.
ddp Posted March 15, 2006 Posted March 15, 2006 Fire away In the footer the text "Ryan Air Conditioning Spares" is in a different font which looks unintentional. Backup before making changes. Backup before making changes! Backup before making changes!! You did do a backup? eh?
Shezzy Posted March 19, 2006 Author Posted March 19, 2006 Blimey, plenty for me to go at there then, thank you again for your input, its appreciated.
Shezzy Posted September 20, 2006 Author Posted September 20, 2006 ok well its a year on now what do you think?
onedownfiveup Posted September 20, 2006 Posted September 20, 2006 ok well its a year on now what do you think? What Contribution did you use for the Header Login, New Products, Speicals, Contact Us, Search links?
Shezzy Posted October 2, 2006 Author Posted October 2, 2006 What Contribution did you use for the Header Login, New Products, Speicals, Contact Us, Search links? :-" I must come clean and admit to passing this over to an IT expert as i felt that with it being so legally important to get everything right i needed to do this for my own peace of mind. :thumbsup:
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