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How do you remove...


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Does anyone know how to remove the Product Notification checkbox once someone has placed an order?


Also how can I change the wording from "Your products will arrive at their destination within 2-5 working day." to "Your products will arrice at their destination shortly."



Below is what I need changed. Please help me.





Your Order Has Been Processed!


Your order has been successfully processed! Your products will arrive at their destination within 2-5 working days.


Please notify me of updates to the products I have selected below:


1) to remove/modify the text go to this line of code in /catalog/includes/languages/english/checkout_success.php:


define('TEXT_SUCCESS', 'Your order has been successfully processed! Your products will arrive at their destination within 2-5 working days.');


2) to remove the checkboxes go to catalog > checkout_success.php and remove this block of code:



if ($global['global_product_notifications'] != '1') {

echo TEXT_NOTIFY_PRODUCTS . '<br><p class="productsNotifications">';


$products_displayed = array();

for ($i=0, $n=sizeof($products_array); $i<$n; $i++) {

if (!in_array($products_array[$i]['id'], $products_displayed)) {

echo tep_draw_checkbox_field('notify[]', $products_array[$i]['id']) . ' ' . $products_array[$i]['text'] . '<br>';

$products_displayed[] = $products_array[$i]['id'];




echo '</p>';

} else {





Thank you very much. That worked perfectly.


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