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I am not versed in PHP language but I have a php editor. I am trying to change the look of my web page. I believe it is the index.php file I need to change. How do I change the color and lay out of it. Also I seem to not be able to get the items I placed to show up in the catalog. They show in the new items area but not the catalog. Could someone stop by and take a look and let me know what might be the problem. You can reply here and to my email address of [email protected]


Rev Lewis Engle



To change the colors you need some knowledge of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Your stylesheet is called "stylesheet.css" and resides in your root folder.


To make very basic structural changes you will need knowledge of HTML.


To make advanced changes you will also need to know PHP and MySQL (the database OSC runs on).


There are plenty of beginners tutorials on all these topics on the web, as well as hundreds of good books. This forum and the OSC Knowledge Base (www.oscommerce.info) are also excellent resources to research and find information.

I am not versed in PHP language but I have a php editor. I am trying to change the look of my web page. I believe it is the index.php file I need to change. How do I change the color and lay out of it. Also I seem to not be able to get the items I placed to show up in the catalog. They show in the new items area but not the catalog. Could someone stop by and take a look and let me know what might be the problem. You can reply here and to my email address of [email protected]


Rev Lewis Engle



A url would be helpful in order to look at it :D


The colors are control through the stylesheet.css


Example if something in the index.php say (btw: this is purely an example, not accurate coding)


<td class="main"> TEXT_MAIN </td>


Whatever text you have defined for TEXT_MAIN will have the color, font and style attributes of what the class 'main' is defined as in the stylesheets.css file


Though note, when you change a color, for example - making the any main class color changes... EVERYWHERE on your site that has the the class="main" will change - not just the index.php page


If you need to break color and design down to a per page request, then you'll need to define specific pages in your stylesheets.css and modify the class requests in each page that you've re-defined


I hooe that isn't to confusing, I'm not sure how else to explain it.


As far as a layout... Wht I did with my site is I built a website that looked like a picture frame of sorts.. the entire center of the website was empty. Then to start merging the the web site and oscommerce, I simple put all oscommerce code in the center. (Not exactly that easy, but fairly accurate.)

My Contributions


Henry Smith


oh p.s. your three items are not showing up in the catalog because you have placed them outside of the categories you have created. To move them to the correct place, highlight each one in the Admin Tool and click Move. Select the category you want to place that product into from the list and submit.


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