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Can I add credit card type to checkout?


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Is there a way I can add the card type to the checkout such as a dropdown that has visa, discover, etc...


I checked the contributions but couldn't find anything related to this.




The card type is determined automatically based on the card number. Each card issuer has a different pattern of numbers. This info is already stored in the db at checkout. I guess what I am saying is that it would be redundant. Ok?


V6 :thumbsup:


That's what I was trying to tell the person I'm making the site for. Oh man, I guess they'll just have to take it or leave it.


I fished and fished but couldn't find the file that would change the text for checkout_payment.php. I need to change 'Credit Card Expiry Date:' Which file do I change?



That's what I was trying to tell the person I'm making the site for. Oh man, I guess they'll just have to take it or leave it.


I fished and fished but couldn't find the file that would change the text for checkout_payment.php. I need to change 'Credit Card Expiry Date:' Which file do I change?






  define('MODULE_PAYMENT_CC_TEXT_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRES', 'Credit Card Expiry Date:');

That's what I was trying to tell the person I'm making the site for. Oh man, I guess they'll just have to take it or leave it.


Tell her it's an advanced feature of the store. It automatically detects the proper card based on CC numeric algorythms (make it sound fool proof advance technology) - Then tell her this helps eliminate inaccurate CC processing or mistakes from buying clients that accidently choose one card type, but are actually using another.


If she STILL wants it, then simply put a fake drop down box, radio buttons or something for the user to click on... but in reality.. nothing is happening with that information. She never know and priase you at the same time :)

My Contributions


Henry Smith


Just an explaination of all Visa start with 4 all MC start with 5 etc. would suffice.


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