Miss Kitty Posted March 10, 2006 Posted March 10, 2006 Help! I edited my create account php and cnat figuire out whats wrong. No one can create accounts. Here is the code- cna anyone see whats wrong, or what I have to change? <?php /* $Id: create_account.php,v 1.2 2004/03/05 00:36:42 ccwjr Exp $ osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions http://www.oscommerce.com Copyright © 2003 osCommerce Released under the GNU General Public License */ define('NAVBAR_TITLE', 'Create an Account'); define('HEADING_TITLE', 'My Account Information'); define('TEXT_ORIGIN_LOGIN', '<font color="#FF0000"><small><b>NOTE:</b></font></small> If you already have an account with us, please login at the <a href="%s"><u>login page</u></a>.'); define('EMAIL_SUBJECT', 'Welcome to ' . STORE_NAME); define('EMAIL_GREET_MR', 'Dear Mr. %s,' . "\n\n"); define('EMAIL_GREET_MS', 'Dear Ms. %s,' . "\n\n"); define('EMAIL_GREET_NONE', 'Dear %s' . "\n\n"); define('EMAIL_WELCOME', 'Welcome to <b>' . STORE_NAME . '</b> . "\n\n"); define('EMAIL_TEXT', 'You can now take part in the <b>various services</b> we have to offer you. Some of these services include:' . "\n\n" . '<li><b>Permanent Shopping Bag</b> - Any products added to your online shopping bag remain there until you remove them, or check them out.' . "\n" . '<li><b>Address Book</b> - We can now deliver your products to an address other than yours. This is <b>purrfect</b> for sending gifts direct to the fortunate person themselves' . "\n" . '<li><b>Order History</b> - View the history of purchases that you have made with us.' . "\n" . ' "\n\n"); define('EMAIL_CONFIRMATION', 'Thank you for submitting your account information to our ' . STORE_NAME . "\n\n" . 'To finish your account setup please verify your e-mail address by clicking the link below: ' . "\n\n"); define('EMAIL_CONTACT', 'For help with any of our online services, please email the store-owner: ' . STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS . '.' . "\n\n"); define('EMAIL_WARNING', '<b>Note:</b> This Email address was given to us by one of our customers. If you did not signup to be a member, please send an email to ' . STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS . '.' . "\n");/* ICW Credit class gift voucher begin */define('EMAIL_GV_INCENTIVE_HEADER', "\n\n" .'As part of our welcome to new customers, here is your discount code-"new" '); ' . "\n" .);
julianpuje Posted March 10, 2006 Posted March 10, 2006 What error are you getting? what did you edit? The only thing i can see that doesn't look right is: View the history of purchases that you have made with us.' . "\n" . ' "\n\n"); Try changing it to : View the history of purchases that you have made with us.' . "\n\n"); HTH J A little knowledge is dangerous, I SHOULD KNOW. If Life Begins At 40, What ends????
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