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Help installing autologin secure


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Ok im having trouble with step one.

Here's the instructions from the read me


INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('','Allow AutoLogon Cookie','ALLOW_AUTOLOGON','true','Allow registered users to save their login-info into a cookie so they are automatically logged in upon return to the shop.',15,0,'2004-05-11 18:14:50','2004-05-11 15:11:31',NULL,'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),');


My problem is i dont know how to go about doing this.

Bump. Plz i know its an easy answer but i dont know what to do.



You need to use a database manager such as MyPHPadmin.


Select the database, choose SQL query and then paste that code into the window and click ok.

My Contributions


Henry Smith


ok i have phpMyAdmin and ive logged into it. i select my db and hit query but it seems to me that its not what your describing.

this is what i see when i do what you said.




i just need to know where to add this


INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('','Allow AutoLogon Cookie','ALLOW_AUTOLOGON','true','Allow registered users to save their login-info into a cookie so they are automatically logged in upon return to the shop.',15,0,'2004-05-11 18:14:50','2004-05-11 15:11:31',NULL,'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),');


Open phpmyadmin


select the database you wish to view


at the top (the little file tab looking links) click on SQL (it's between structure and search)


The next page will have a text box at the top. Paste the code into there and hit ok.


If it runs ok, you'll see either successful or the output of it adding and altering tables and such.


If there is an error it will make the error clearly announced. So if you don't notice a big word that says error, you're ok.


The error simply means that it couldn't run the task.


But you should be ok.

My Contributions


Henry Smith


Sorry.. I had original stated in my first post Query, I meant the SQL tab, which once you click on it, it says


Run SQL query/queries on database DB_NAME:


That's why I accidently said query, not realizing the Query tab would confuse the situation.

My Contributions


Henry Smith

Thanks so much for the help. I hope this contrib works well.


It does for me,


The only down side that I have is that I have retail and whole accounts, when I (as the admin) login I get another screen that allows me to choose which type of account to login as, this somehow interfers with the allow cookie, but ONLY for me.. works perfect for all the customers

My Contributions


Henry Smith


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