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Changing 'CA' abbreviation to 'Canada' on checkout page


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Hello. I've recently been asked to take over the managing of an OsCommerce storefront, and need to make one small change that I'm currently having some difficulty figuring out how to do.


When a customer proceeds to checkout, .. and if they choose Canada as their country of residence, -- the abbreviated 'CA' country code is being displayed, instead of the preferred full country name of "Canada". This is resulting in some confusion for some of the customers, as it is often presumed to indicate the abbreviation for the state of California here in the US.


I see that the full word "Canada" is in fact being pulled from somewhere and displayed as part of the ship-to address on the checkout page (probably coming from the country selection dropdown box in the form on the previous screen). So my question is as follows:


Which template should I modify in order to change 'CA' to 'Canada' on the chekcout screen, .. which directory is the template located in, .. and what, specifically, would I need to change?


Note: I have only beginner-level skills in PHP programming, .. so please go easy on me :)



- Yvan


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