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Hi everyone!


Since the end of last year, I'm trying to build my first store. So I would love to have some ideas and critics, so I can get better.

I still have some minor problems because of the language I think (Portuguese), and some help with that will be welcome. Also I tried to get the same colors of my logo, but maybe it's very strong for this kind of site...

This is a Christian site wich sells cd's, dvd's and books (soon) in Portugal.

Thanks for your help.


The link: http://www.fogoextremo.com



I've looked at your site and from a customer point of view I quite like it, it looks 'clean'. I don't really like having the product quanity in each cat but that's just an opinion. The colours I like, maybe the brown background doesn't have to be so dark but overall I think it looks pleasant.


One question to you is that I want to know how in the product listing page you have got the logo then description, then price etc rather than the standard Os stock version of the manufacturer first then picture, then description? Did you use a contribution?




Thanks for your help Becki. I agree with most of your opinions.

The product quantity, I just couldn't get it off. Now I done it!! It looks better now.

In product listing, I took the "Let's see what we have here", and put the categorie name... is that it? If it is, you can do this whit the Basic Design Pack 1.6 Contribution, wich you will find in here. And there's a great suport in here.

Bye and thanx for your help.

Hi everyone!


Since the end of last year, I'm trying to build my first store. So I would love to have some ideas and critics, so I can get better.

I still have some minor problems because of the language I think (Portuguese), and some help with that will be welcome. Also I tried to get the same colors of my logo, but maybe it's very strong for this kind of site...

This is a Christian site wich sells cd's, dvd's and books (soon) in Portugal.

Thanks for your help.


The link: http://www.fogoextremo.com



Some of My analysis are:

1)the site is pretty good but on times your content colr and background color is some what similar which gives stress to clients eye.

2)The color on mouse over to need to be bit on bluish side.

3)Links to be of a bigger font then other content is.

4)Show the types of Payment methods on your Home page.

5)Use Favicon.

6)Apply some Search engine optimization tricks.Use search engine contrib By Chemo.

7)Apply Dynamic Meta tag contribution.

8)Kill spider session ID.

9)Eliminate top margin the page needs to be scrolled that extra.

10)Have a site map.



Satish Mantri

Ask/Skype for Free osCommerce value addon/SEO suggestion tips for your site.


Check My About US For who am I and what My company does.


Yep, looks better :)


I meant when you hit the products list page linked here:




The product shows with the image on the left then the description whereas the stock osc displays first the manufactuer then the imge then the description (from left to right)


And your product images are bigger?


Just wondered how you made those changes?


Hope that explains




Yep, looks better :)


I meant when you hit the products list page linked here:




The product shows with the image on the left then the description whereas the stock osc displays first the manufactuer then the imge then the description (from left to right)


And your product images are bigger?


Just wondered how you made those changes?


Hope that explains



Yep, looks better


I meant when you hit the products list page linked here:




The product shows with the image on the left then the description whereas the stock osc displays first the manufactuer then the imge then the description (from left to right)


And your product images are bigger?


Just wondered how you made those changes?


Hope that explains




Oh I think I understud. You can set that in the admin section.

Go into Settings -> Product Listing, and there you put the numbers from 1 to whatever. Where 1 is the most left display, 2 is on the right of 1, and so on...

I you don't want to display that thing, just leave it with 0.

Hope that helps...


Fogo Extremo

Some of My analysis are:

1)the site is pretty good but on times your content colr and background color is some what similar which gives stress to clients eye.

2)The color on mouse over to need to be bit on bluish side.

3)Links to be of a bigger font then other content is.

4)Show the types of Payment methods on your Home page.

5)Use Favicon.

6)Apply some Search engine optimization tricks.Use search engine contrib By Chemo.

7)Apply Dynamic Meta tag contribution.

8)Kill spider session ID.

9)Eliminate top margin the page needs to be scrolled that extra.

10)Have a site map.

Satish Mantri


Thanks for your help Satish!

1)About the colors I think you're right... I'm thinking wich colors to choose, but maybe just less dark brown.

2)Sorry but my english is very poor... What is bluish??? I no that my mouse over is black...

3)Do you really think that font links should be bigger than the rest?? In a normal sentence or just like in "Categorias" (Categories)? I don't see that in other sites...

4) I'm not working with Paypal or Credit Card yet, so I don't have anything to put there (Icons).

5) Same problem, what is favicon???

6) I'll check that.

7) I use Headers Tag Contribution, isn't that enough???

8) Done, I think that's in Settings->Sessions->Prevent spider sessions, right? But I don't know what this is...

9) Done.

10) I'll try...


Fogo Extremo


A favicon is a little icon that shows up beside your url in the address bar in IE and also in the favorites section. I like your site overall but I think you should reduce the size of your header.

Andrew Yuen

osCommerce, Community Team

Hi everyone!


Since the end of last year, I'm trying to build my first store. So I would love to have some ideas and critics, so I can get better.

I still have some minor problems because of the language I think (Portuguese), and some help with that will be welcome. Also I tried to get the same colors of my logo, but maybe it's very strong for this kind of site...

This is a Christian site wich sells cd's, dvd's and books (soon) in Portugal.

Thanks for your help.


The link: http://www.fogoextremo.com


Some of the text colours are hard on the eyes. In particular the colour of the rollover hyperlinks in the middle of the main page dissapears into the background.


I would also lose the hit counter on the bottom bar.

Backup before making changes. Backup before making changes! Backup before making changes!!


You did do a backup? eh?



Nice design, I tried to do a red site but it kinda went wrong, yours looks good.

I agree about having tabs on the top of the site but as you only have three catagories its probably not needed.


Two things I would remove is the language and currency tabs as you only have one of each, just delete the boxes from the file and your done, easy.


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