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The e-commerce.

Working Offline With Oscommerce ?????


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I was Woundering that if its posible to work offline with oscommerce , i have tryed to search the os commerce fourms but did not find any thing. Please if some one can explain .





Actually, there are lot's of references to developing your OSC site locally.


You will need to have installed on your PC: PHP, MySql, Apache Server and phpMyAdmin.


If you go to http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-windows.html you can download XAMPP, which will install all of the above for you


Or http://www.en.wampserver.com/download.php to download WAMP, which will do likewise. Assuming you are using Windows.


Once you have one of those installed, you can install OSC into the root folder on your PC.

I install Xampp and now how I install osCommerce?


Can you help me please?


Thank you


Ant?nio Farinha



ensure the local apacher server is running

ensure php is active (php info)

ensure mysql is installed (phpmyadmin)


read the OScommerce manual which is included in the download.


because youre developing locally, you cant trust someone else to have setup the development environment so you must check the server side stuff (run locally in your case) is correct before trying to install OSC.


hope this helps.


take a few hours to read up :)

Thanks for your repply.


How can I change the permissions of all foldres to 777?


most FTP applications will allow you to alter the security settings. Alternatively use a command to set them

Hand made jewellery and tiaras on our website


Please bear with me. Im an osC noobie!


Hi guys,


I am also facing the same problem.


I have installed OSC to my desktop and i want to run it. But couldn't go through.


I have WAMP5 as server and PHP5, and MySql has been already installed.


I have copied the Cateloue directory to my C:/wamp/www/osc/catalogue path.


When i am going to run index.php it gives me the error:


Server Requirement Error: register_globals is disabled in your PHP configuration. This can be enabled in your php.ini configuration file or in the .htaccess file in your catalog directory.


Can anyone help me out?


I did the register_globals On but still not going though.


Pls help.


Thank you,

Hi guys,


I am also facing the same problem.


I have installed OSC to my desktop and i want to run it. But couldn't go through.


I have WAMP5 as server and PHP5, and MySql has been already installed.


I have copied the Cateloue directory to my C:/wamp/www/osc/catalogue path.


When i am going to run index.php it gives me the error:


Server Requirement Error: register_globals is disabled in your PHP configuration. This can be enabled in your php.ini configuration file or in the .htaccess file in your catalog directory.


Can anyone help me out?


I did the register_globals On but still not going though.


Pls help.


Thank you,


In a test environment, you can switch this on in the file at : xampp/apachi/bin/php.ini

Hand made jewellery and tiaras on our website


Please bear with me. Im an osC noobie!

In a test environment, you can switch this on in the file at : xampp/apachi/bin/php.ini



Thanks toptiara :thumbsup:


I have wasted my 3 hours to find the thingi...


Take care,


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