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The e-commerce.

Categories/cPath Problem


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Hi All,


Apolgies if this has been discussed before - after a Google/Forum search, I couldn't find the answer...


I've recently just started using osCommerce for a new website I've setup...


Theres a few mods installed, but not many - I've recently just started playing with search engine optimisation and tinkered with the contribution at http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,3801 (I've removed it for the moment)


Since doing that, I've now got problems with the CPath's


When the site is loaded all is fine (cpath for category is number), however if the user views a sub category this generates the correct cpath (number_number) and then goes back to the category generates a wrong cpath (number_number_number) and shows the same category just viewed...


I know that is not the best explaination - the website is http://www.geargrabber.co.uk - if you load, then goto accessories, then crossfader, then accessories you'll see the behaviour...


Any ideas? I spent a while look at the code, but still no answer :(


Thanks in advance,



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