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The e-commerce.

Hello ... I'm an amateur


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Hello to all. I know next to nothing about osCommerce, writing code, building sites, etc. But I really want to learn how to do it and need a basic place to start. Is there good literature I can get my hands on to basically start me from scratch in this business? And if so, please point me in the right direction.


Thanks a lot for the assistance. I appreciate it!! :)


Not really. :( See the Knowledge Base for documentation (above menu). Be careful though since some of that applies to a new, unreleased version. Other than that, read the psots in the forum. The same questions get asked a lot (I answered this one just a few days ago) so you can find almost all of the answers you need right here by just searching. Oscomerce can be difficult at first but it does get easier. Just hang in there and it will being to make sense.



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You might also try your local library (main branch would probably have the most items available) and look for php books. I'm not sure if there's a For Dummies book on PHP, but I found a few that gave basic information and samples about using php - not necessarily with oscommerce, but you should get the general feel for programming from them.



You might also try your local library (main branch would probably have the most items available) and look for php books. I'm not sure if there's a For Dummies book on PHP, but I found a few that gave basic information and samples about using php - not necessarily with oscommerce, but you should get the general feel for programming from them.




Yes, there is a PHP for dummies book, I bought it. I needed one for the dummiest though... :o)



"There are only 10 types of people in this world: those who understand binary, and those who don't. "


Don't let it all scare you offthough, its actually quite simple to survive once you learn't the basics when you download oscommerce there is a complete noobs installation guide that comes with it i think.. maybe give that a try... :thumbsup:


use the search feature on the forum, you can gurantee every noob question you can think of has been asked here, i should know cos i have asked alot of them myself :blush:




lol im in the same spot and i will find the php bookie for dummie okies


There is very little php knowloedge required to operate an oscommerce shop. You will need to change text in the files and as long as you only change the text in the area provided, all you are doing is typing characters, as you are doing in this thread. There is nothgin wrong with buying a book on php but it won't apply directly to oscommerce and may not be of much help to you.



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There is very little php knowloedge required to operate an oscommerce shop. You will need to change text in the files and as long as you only change the text in the area provided, all you are doing is typing characters, as you are doing in this thread. There is nothgin wrong with buying a book on php but it won't apply directly to oscommerce and may not be of much help to you.





true, to the book part. As for "very little knowledge required to operate an oscommerce shop"... hmmmm... that I am not so sure... The truth is, the simple and "virgin" oscommerce doesn't apply to everyone, it's when it comes to the contributions that we (the ones in need of dummies books! LOL) get stuck!


I wish I didn't have to look for so much information to be able to fix things so I could spend my time managing and handling my business. After all, I installed osC to become a shop owner, not a programmer.



"There are only 10 types of people in this world: those who understand binary, and those who don't. "


When you install a contribution it generally says find this code and replace it with this code. That is no different than saying open up a word doc file and replace all instances of "that" with "this." Granted, it makes things easier if you have an understanding of php, but it is not required.



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