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Problem when returning to Cart content when checking out


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A problem I just noticed is that when a customer, who is logged in in "secured" shopping cart goes through the check out process and decides to return to "cart content", instead of going back to a secured cart, they return to an UNSECURED cart. Then when they checkout again it goes to my secured URL.


Actually, in testing it more, whenever I click on "Cart content" in header, it switches to unsecures url http:// instead of https://


Did I forget to modify a line?

A problem I just noticed is that when a customer, who is logged in in "secured" shopping cart goes through the check out process and decides to return to "cart content", instead of going back to a secured cart, they return to an UNSECURED cart. Then when they checkout again it goes to my secured URL.


Actually, in testing it more, whenever I click on "Cart content" in header, it switches to unsecures url http:// instead of https://


Did I forget to modify a line?

ok, resolved problem.


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