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Is it my site or my server slow?


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Hi all,


My site is very slow, my surfers say so compering with other sites and I now think so.


I have a shared hosting and when I tell them that my site is slow, they say that it is ok....


How do I find out where is the problem? if my site (osc) or my server that let me down..






Hi Salvo, first I would check it by entering your URL on a site like this http://internetsupervision.com/ and comparing it with others just to make sure it is your site that's slow.


Next I would take a look at threads like these :


Speed Optimization - http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=119077&hl=


Faster Page Loads - http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=83315&hl=


Have a good look through the forum, I'm sure the answers here somewhere.


ps:- What is your URL?


Also, it maybe worth creating a simple static web page on your site (seperate from your osc) and run the speed test on that. Then run the speed test on one of your osc pages to compare.


It may give you an idea how fast the host is running satic pages against your dynamic osc pages.


Just a thought,




ps:- I checked one of my osc urls and got a response of 3.5 secs av to your 27 secs av using the speed site test I mentioned.


Your site seem to be slower but it could depend on a number of things such as mods added, graphics, server location, but I would hazard a guess it's the number of categories you have!


If you do need to test the server I would create a static page for comparisson and go from there. A static test page on my site gave the result of 0.5 secs av which is lower than my osc loading time and you would expect that. If you get high loading times for a static page, then I guess you may be able to start looking at the hosting server.


However, I would suspect it's your categories that are giving the problem as pages such as 'About us' - http://www.bettalondon.com/about-us-t-27.html load a lot faster than pages such as 'London Tubes' - http://www.bettalondon.com/london_areas.php.


Thanks you very much for the input. Tomorrow morning I will all the checks that you have suggested. ie static against osc. etc. and let you know the resaults...




Hi again


here is the resault for a test.html (no much in it)

Checked From Time (US/Central) Result KBytes Seconds Kbps

Washington, DC (3 Mbps) 17:16:50 OK 0.63 0.23 22

Santiago, Chile (760 Kbps) 17:15:13 OK 0.63 0.61 8

Los Angeles, CA (1.5 Mbps) 17:14:36 OK 0.63 0.33 15

Dortmund, Germany (5 Mbps) 17:15:13 OK 0.63 0.05 108

Detroit, MI (5 Mbps) 16:54:19 OK 0.63 0.27 19

Chicago, IL (45 Mbps) 17:15:13 OK 0.63 1.00 5

St. Petersburg, Russia (5 Mbps) 17:15:13 OK 0.63 0.27 19

Gloucester, UK (5 Mbps) 17:15:13 OK 0.63 0.05 108

Sydney, Australia (5 Mbps) 17:15:12 OK 0.63 0.75 7




and here my website


Checked From Time (US/Central) Result KBytes Seconds Kbps

Washington, DC (3 Mbps) 17:06:53 OK 53.30 16.19 26

Santiago, Chile (760 Kbps) 17:05:17 OK 53.27 31.73 13

Los Angeles, CA (1.5 Mbps) 17:04:39 OK 53.28 20.66 21

Dortmund, Germany (5 Mbps) 17:05:16 OK 53.34 23.91 18

Detroit, MI (5 Mbps) 16:44:22 OK 53.28 13.94 31

Chicago, IL (45 Mbps) 17:05:17 OK 53.34 18.02 24

St. Petersburg, Russia (5 Mbps) 17:05:16 OK 53.24 25.83 16

Gloucester, UK (5 Mbps) 17:05:16 OK 53.22 28.00 15

Sydney, Australia (5 Mbps) 17:05:15 OK 53.30 32.13 13




so I presume that it might be something in my site?

where should I start? :-(


I know that you were advised to run a test against an html page - but all that will tell you is how quick your server loads an html page. The load time for an html page has nothing to do with the load time for a php page which uses dynamic scripting and runs multiple sql queries on the database.


You've already been given two links to features that can help speed up your site. You also need to check the file size of images. osCommerce loads small images on the page, but actually the page is loading the full-size image which is just resized to appear smaller. Installing a thumbnail contribution will help.




HI, as far as images is concerm, I have all very small images. in products_info are no more than 150x100.


Maybe are the queries in categories, manufactures or articles... i will look into the two links above and see what's happens...


I hope it will work because my cometitors have very fast sites.. :-(


Don't ignore the image advise. Look at the file size, not the dimensions. By installing "ImageMagic" contribution I was able to seriously decrease the load time of my site. Images that I thought were "small as can be" were made smaller without sacrificing the pop-up quality.



I am thinking of getting rid of the small images in the categories/manufactures box altogether.


I small question

Enable GZip Compression true/false ? What does it do?

Compression Level whick level is better?







HI all,


I have reduced the KBytes from about 52.00 to 48.00, but the site loads in between 20/30 seconds.


It is too slow in my opinion (and my users).


Is there a program that will tell my how many queries do I have in the main page (index.php) ?. They might be too many. I don't know. I only know that my competitors sites loads under 5 seconds.


ie: one has KBytes 41.67 and loads between 1 and 5 seconds.

the other has KBytes 10.00 and loads betwwen 0.3 and 4 seconds.


What else can I do?






Here is a contribution to check database queries. Output Queries Debug Contribution You may have some runaways there.


The other place to check is the load speed of your site using a web page analyzer. Try this one: Web Page Analyzer It will give you load speeds, and also other information on individual pieces of your page that might be slowing things down.


Between these two resources, you should be able to target the problem, and using the various contributions and ideas in the forum make take the necessary corrective action.


Good Luck


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