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Unnable to Recive Emails with orders


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I have a big problem... when a customer buys something online i must receive an email that should notice me about the product order.. but here is the problem i can only receive on yahoo accounts... and not on the others accounts - for example an acount that uses Outlook Express to open the emails.... i changed the option in the admin area - from "send email" option to "smpt" option and still no result... what should i do??

I have a big problem... when a customer buys something online i must receive an email that should notice me about the product order.. but here is the problem i can only receive on yahoo accounts... and not on the others accounts - for example an acount that uses Outlook Express to open the emails.... i changed the option in the admin area - from "send email" option to "smpt" option and still no result... what should i do??



If it is leaving the store and getting to Yahoo, it is leaving the store period! Which means that the only way it isn't getting to you via Outlook is that either Outlook has spam filters/junk mail filters set up that it may be sorting them into a different folder or deleting them right away - OR the ISP that you have your account with (the one that you use with OUTLook) that they have spam filters set up and it's not getting to you.

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Henry Smith


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