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Urgent!!! Missing Shipping and Payment Options


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Don't know what I did to mess up a working site but...


When I go to the shipping and payment modules in the admin panel, all of the various options have disappeared and all that remains are:


Module Directory: /home2/fragranc/public_html/catalog/includes/modules/payment/


Module Directory: /home2/fragranc/public_html/catalog/includes/modules/shipping/


which I believe used to be at the end of each list of options.


How do I restore the individual shipping and payment options?

What did you "change"?


Don't know. Was working on tax zones previously. Before that, set the shipping to per item. Only thing I remember deleting was the original product files like for DVDs, etc.

Well, then I have no clue :(


Well, which part of the program generates the graphical interface for setting the shipping and payment options? It must be that which I inadvertantly deleted.


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