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oscommerce+paypal+digital downloads=no download


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Here is my problem and I need a simple solution. Iv dug around the forums a bit and many of the suggestions there still leave many with the problem Im having. I do not understand PHP but If I get the right code and told where to put it, I can do the editing. My site Im working on is here.Freelance Photography by Lisa Musto

I need this site to do digital downloads in the form of digital photos. I have downloads enabled in the oscommerce control panel and I have my catalog items linked to the high res. files placed in the oscommerce downloads folder. It was a fresh install of 2.2 with no alterd shopping cart files or contributions added. I ran a test of the cart and when I go through the order process, It takes me to paypal, they accept payment, that goes through, and Im not prompted to download the file. When I check the order history for the account I made, It shows that there were no products ordered even though I did place two test orders, I check my e-mail and paypal went through both times. I also notice that the photos that i already payed for stays in the cart as if I never went through the order process. How can I make the download of pictures happen after there is a payment? I tried many of the sugestions in the forums with it only breaking the cart all together or just not doing anything. I replaced the files again with the ones I backed up. Please someone...help! I spent days pulling my hair out. Thank you.


i did try some of the contributions with no go. A few broke my cart giving me blank pages and stuff. How many would I need to try to get the right one to work? good thing I backed up the original files. Pretty frustrating.

Thanks for the suggestion I will try it.

I intstalled it and all my payment and shipping modules in the contol panel vanished. I even reistalled it file by file. no go.


Which paypal contribution are you using?

Do you have it set up to return the customer to your site? If so, did you use checkout_process.php as the return page?

If you are using the paypal that came with stock osCommerce you may want to try http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,3819

It sounds like paypal is not sending the info back to your store so ofcourse no link would be enabled.


Not sure why you had issues with the other contribution. I know it is a pretty popular one.

Wendy James


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

Which paypal contribution are you using?

Do you have it set up to return the customer to your site? If so, did you use checkout_process.php as the return page?

If you are using the paypal that came with stock osCommerce you may want to try http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,3819

It sounds like paypal is not sending the info back to your store so ofcourse no link would be enabled.


Not sure why you had issues with the other contribution. I know it is a pretty popular one.



I have the download controller installed but it wasn't working until I set "download by redirect" to false.


Now I can download, but only a few products, some products don't even open a window, if I try the 3rd time it will open a blank window (3 times is the maximum download).


Any ideas?



"There are only 10 types of people in this world: those who understand binary, and those who don't. "


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