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Can I move my installation to root?


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I began my install about a week and half ago, adjusted my stylesheet, added a couple contributions, and NOW realize that maybe I should have installed this bad boy in the root folder rather than in the catalog directory - mostly for SEO reasons.


So, oh great and powerful wizards of "OS" Commerce - my question is two fold.


1 - Is my concern regarding SEO valid?


2 - (And I almost hate to ask), is it a big deal to relocate my installation to the root directory. do I have to start all over? Could I copy my adjusted files to their proper locations and run Install again? What's the best way to do this?

I began my install about a week and half ago, adjusted my stylesheet, added a couple contributions, and NOW realize that maybe I should have installed this bad boy in the root folder rather than in the catalog directory - mostly for SEO reasons.


So, oh great and powerful wizards of "OS" Commerce - my question is two fold.


1 - Is my concern regarding SEO valid?


2 - (And I almost hate to ask), is it a big deal to relocate my installation to the root directory. do I have to start all over? Could I copy my adjusted files to their proper locations and run Install again? What's the best way to do this?



I don't know if this will help you, but I recently started a new store and installed osCommerce to the default location. After I did this I realized that it was not set to start if some one typed in my url. I contacted my web hoster and they fixed it for me by creating an .htacces file with the following line in the root public_html directory. "Redirect /index.html http://mystore.com/osCommerce/catalog/index.php" This way I didn't have to move any files.

I don't know if this will help you, but I recently started a new store and installed osCommerce to the default location. After I did this I realized that it was not set to start if some one typed in my url. I contacted my web hoster and they fixed it for me by creating an .htacces file with the following line in the root public_html directory. "Redirect /index.html http://mystore.com/osCommerce/catalog/index.php" This way I didn't have to move any files.


Thanks for the input millinks! That actually was one of the options I had been considering, but I think some search engine spiders don't "like" redirects so much, and since my whole purpose in considering the move is Search Engine Optimization, I'm not sure it's the path I should take.


I Googled "google 301 redirects" and found an endless list of horror stories and warnings. I've not gone live yet, and if I have to bite the bullet, now is probably the time to do it.


Shift everything from the catalog directory into your root. Then remove all references to 'catalog', but leaving a forward slash / in the two configure.php files. Which are in the includes and admin/includes directories. Back them up first though, just in case!


Not sure about the SEO question.

Shift everything from the catalog directory into your root. Then remove all references to 'catalog', but leaving a forward slash / in the two configure.php files. Which are in the includes and admin/includes directories. Back them up first though, just in case!


Not sure about the SEO question.



Thank you Spax! I wasn't sure if I was to do that if I would break the database connection or not. But, with your assurance, I'll give it a try.

A tip:


use this link:




To determin spider activity on your site, I found it very useful.


I added in the contrib Dynamics Meta Tags 1.0 and ran the spider simulator and it picked up all my current prucducts. And that with having the redirect in my root directory to the catolog. That a great contrib! I guess I won't have to worry about moving files over to the root and breaking up links. As long as the meta tags show up, I am happy. :D


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