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The e-commerce.

Admin panel paths wrong (url repetition)


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Hi Guys!


Just discovered OScommerce. Installed it a piece of cake last night on my own server last night, so today I tried it on someone else's and i'm getting a weird problem.


It all installs fine to the point where it says congratulations and asks whether I would like to go to the admin panel or catlog pages. But when I click on either button, the URL is clearly wrong and follows like so:




It seems to be appending my new URL path onto the end of the existing one rather than using it fresh.


Another example is if I try to click from the admin panel url to catalog:




changes to




Again a fresh url added to the end of an old one...


If anyone can give me a pointer I'd be most grateful, it's a very difficult problem to concisely describe when searching help forums!!


Steve M


Ok fixed my own problem; rather carelessly managed to omit 'http:' when asked for the full web path in setup! Whoops! :blush:




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