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The e-commerce.

My Shop Isn't Pointed At My Domain, Why Please?


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I'm new to osCommerce. My hosting provider is iPowerweb.com, and I had the option to install osCommerce directly from my iPowerweb domain Admin area, which I did. However, although I've figured most of it out, I still have a couple of problems that I can't solve:


1) My shop does not have my domain name as it's address, instead of http://www.domainname.com I have to type in an address like this: https://hostxx.ipowerweb.com/~xxxxxxxx/osCo...talog/index.php so how do I get my shop to work on my domain name address?


2) My shop still has the default front page, which says: "This is a default setup of the osCommerce project, products shown are for demonstrational purposes, any products purchased will not be delivered nor will the customer be billed. Any information seen on these products is to be treated as fictional", how do I change this page for my own front page?


3) I have enabled the Credit card module, and I can purchase test items via credit card in my shop, but who is actually doing the credit card processing? Which company? I have not received any emails after placing orders, either as the customer or as the shop owner, to say who is supposed to be processing the credit card payments. On my old website I used Worldpay as my credit card processing company, but there isn't a payment module option for Worldpay, so I haven't been able to set that up.


So, to summarize, the shop address is wrong, I don't know how to change the default front page text, and I have no idea which company is supposedly processing the credit card payments for the Credit Card payment module?!!! PLEASE can ANYONE help me with these problems, I would really be grateful?


Many thanks, from Rose :blink:



I'm new to osCommerce. My hosting provider is iPowerweb.com, and I had the option to install osCommerce directly from my iPowerweb domain Admin area, which I did. However, although I've figured most of it out, I still have a couple of problems that I can't solve:


1) My shop does not have my domain name as it's address, instead of http://www.domainname.com I have to type in an address like this: https://hostxx.ipowerweb.com/~xxxxxxxx/osCo...talog/index.php so how do I get my shop to work on my domain name address?



>>> You need to go to your configuration.php file and change the variable in there to point at your domain. I take it your domain is linked to your host. Your line should look something like this:








define('DIR_WS_HTTP_CATALOG', 'http://www.yourdomain.org/catalog/');






2) My shop still has the default front page, which says: "This is a default setup of the osCommerce project, products shown are for demonstrational purposes, any products purchased will not be delivered nor will the customer be billed. Any information seen on these products is to be treated as fictional", how do I change this page for my own front page?


To change this go to index.php in \catalog\includes\languages\english you can then edit the define statement


3) I have enabled the Credit card module, and I can purchase test items via credit card in my shop, but who is actually doing the credit card processing? Which company? I have not received any emails after placing orders, either as the customer or as the shop owner, to say who is supposed to be processing the credit card payments. On my old website I used Worldpay as my credit card processing company, but there isn't a payment module option for Worldpay, so I haven't been able to set that up.


Go to your admin panel >> payment >> and you should be able to see the default payment method. To change the payment method or add new ones use the relevant contribs.... aquick search on the forums will help :). As for the emails you probably need to onfigure this in your admin panel. Also you will need to check with your hosts about what they support "smtp" or "sendmail". I am currently having problems sending emails. My site tells me that emails are sent but then i look in my inbox and they are not there. I have had to install the PHPMailer contrib but im still experiencing the probs! ce la vie



So, to summarize, the shop address is wrong, I don't know how to change the default front page text, and I have no idea which company is supposedly processing the credit card payments for the Credit Card payment module?!!! PLEASE can ANYONE help me with these problems, I would really be grateful?


Many thanks, from Rose :blink:


Hope this helps.


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