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The e-commerce.

Problem after update to osCommerce 2.2ms2-051113


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First, I am not a native english speaker, So, sorry about errors... :-)


As I say:


One domain of my client was nearly banned because AOL say it was used to spam. My web Admin says maybe I have some php scripts who allow to oscommerce to send indiscriminated emails to anyone using contact_us.php


I think maybe the site was hacked. Oscommerce especially.


Then I try to update to osCommerce 2.2ms2-051113 via fantastico on cpanel.


After that I can not enter in the web store. I am now working in a fresh start on all the site.


And, to prevent this problem in other sites, I try to update another one. This time apparently without problem, but when I try to use the "files" option, I receive this error:


Warning: dir(): failed to open dir: No such file or directory in /home/*******/public_html/tienda/admin/file_manager.php on line 178


Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/*******/public_html/tienda/admin/file_manager.php on line 179


(I change the name of the folder to ******* here for security reasons :-))



Anyone can help me with this? My osCommerce installation is without any additional modules...


Thanks in advance


Paco Maya

Mexico City


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