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Authorize.net error -->(13) The merchant login ID...

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Posted (edited)

This has probably been answered but after 3+ hours of seaches, I still couldn't find anything...


I"m getting this error after clicking "confirm order" on the final checkout page:


"The following errors have occurred.

(13) The merchant login ID or password is invalid or the account is inactive." on https://secure.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll


I am in "production" transaction mode in osCom.

I am in "LIVE MODE" in Authorize.net's settings i.e. "This account is currently in LIVE MODE. "


When I fill out a "fake" order using the CC#:4111111111111111 with a valid date ie. 9-2010, it gives me this error.


I can login to test.authorize.net fine with the same Login Username as used in osComm.

I have also generated a transaction Key and saved it as you will see from my image.

I have also gone into authorize.net and disabled the necessary password option, but still the same error.

So I know the login works, because I can login. I know the password doesn't matter, because I disabled it. SO WHAT ELSE COULD IT BE???


A few extra questions...


1) Does me having this running on localhost matter?


2)can I use this "fake" CC#4111... to process a fake order with the full process involved? I have also tried this same order submittal with both Authorize.net and osComm in "test" mode, but still had the same error.


Pic of osComm Settings




Edited by bmarker

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