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Total osCommerce crash?


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Hello, i made a new topic since this was sort of urgent, and did not have anything to do with the other one.



I get the message "Server Requirement Error: register_globals is disabled in your PHP configuration. This can be enabled in your php.ini configuration file or in the .htaccess file in your catalog directory."


Hope someone have some answers since the guy that is using the shop has a short schedual.



The edit time on posts are to short dudes ;)


Edit to post 1;

I only find the .htacces file in the folder, NO php.ini anywhere.

What am i supposed to edit in the .htacces file?

Guessing it got something to do with

"#<IfModule mod_php4.c>

# php_value session.use_trans_sid 0

# php_value register_globals 1



Everything else is commented out by the use of # before it, so just add it afterwards (line below).




#<IfModule mod_php4.c>

# php_value session.use_trans_sid 0

# php_value register_globals 1

# php_flag register_globals on



I tried this both with, and without the # nothing seemed to help. :(


Then you'll need to install the Register Globals Patch Files (link below my name). This will allow your site to run with Register Globals set to off.




I uploaded in the /midgard/ folder, was this correct? It didnt help anyway :(

Im sorry for bugging you but im realy new with this.

I did check the readme file but didnt find what folder to upload to.

I uploaded in the /midgard/ folder, was this correct? It didnt help anyway :(

Im sorry for bugging you but im realy new with this.

I did check the readme file but didnt find what folder to upload to.


If you mean the patch, just follow the folder structure that it is contained in. You have about 10 files to replace and I would recommend you copying the files to replace, incase something goes wrong.


Yes i found that out, but forgot to let you know:p

Now i seem to have a other problem. The Index file do not contain tekst:s but if you go to www.dritern.com/midgard you will see there is text there. I downloaded the same index.php file from the server that is uploaded now, so i dont understand why there is no text in the file, but there is on the website:s


Do i have to edit the frontpage text in a other file then index.php after installing the patch?


It is all HTML output from PHP files.


Look for






You should find all the body text (I think) within those. There are also header, footer, column_left and column_right.php files, which control the areas you may suspect.


Editing "midgard/inludes/languages/english/index.php" worked just fine for the text. (www.dritern.com/midgard)

But im still not reciving any kind of "conformation" mail, either as customer or owner. Any ideas?


Was this site transferred to a new server? Or did the hosting company 'upgrade' the software on the server? Or is this a new site?


Something has happened if it was previously running with Register Globals set to off and now it requires them on. If this is the case then other changes may have been made by the hosting company.


If this is a new site then make sure that in osC admin that you have e-mail addresses entered under Configuration --> My Store, and that you have Send Emails set to true.


As you are new to this I'd suggest you go to www.oscommerce.com and download the PDF document containing the complete Knowledge Base for osCommerce MS2. This will tell you most of what you need to know.




It is the same midgard site as i first requested help about, and as far as i know there have been no changes to anything in server.


But as far as i see he tells me that i have to have a email account from the same domain it is installed on (dritern.com), but it worked with a other one earlyer.


Il bump this topic again.

Now i tried to set up a brand new instalation of the script, and i seemed to get the same error about register_globals. So i guess it have something to do with php.ini file. What am i supposed to edit in that file?


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