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The e-commerce.

New look, please see


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I've changed the look on my site, fixed the roum to look the same. I had a bit of help and I want to thank the nice people that made the time for me... So, what do you think? Does it look like a site for mom and dad and baby? And if you see any oyther problem, tell me, because there's no one else to do that, to be sincere. I'm all on my own! :D


Thank you.




The overall looks nice, it loaded a little slow and as i can not read the words only look at the images i found it a bit busy, in total you have 21 boxes on the sides, just a tad over kill.


But again the general feel is good.




Thank you for your nice input! :) Yes, I know there are a bit too many boxes, but that's because it's not only a sales site, but an information one, too. People need to find fast what info they're looking for, so I thought if they have it before their eyes from the first page it's esier... for them, not for me! :D I'm still thinking what to do to make it as easily navigable as possible.


Much better design! I have no idea what it says.... but it looks better than the last. Super slow load, I almost left it before it loaded. Could be overkill with all the information on the home page. Maybe for navigation and load times you could move some info off the home page. You could use a menu of links in a box to all this content you provide.


All in all great job!



"Woohoo, Just Havin Funnn!"


Thank you, thank you! On my computer it loads really fast so this is why I can't tell... but I'll check one of those sites that offer to test your site speed.

Thank you, thank you! On my computer it loads really fast so this is why I can't tell... but I'll check one of those sites that offer to test your site speed.



Yes it loads very slowly ON My computer too.

I suggest you provide a site map and reduce on the info boxes.


Also check the image sizes and if too big take care of them.



Ask/Skype for Free osCommerce value addon/SEO suggestion tips for your site.


Check My About US For who am I and what My company does.


I'll try and reduce the number of the infoboxes, but I'm not so sure how to make the images smaller (not in actual size, but in kb). I believe much of this problem is because the contrib I've used for them Infobox Skins Manager, which creates lots of different images, at least so I think...


Your site looks very nice. I like it and i'm very happy to see e-Commerce grewing up in Romania.

Keep it up Roxana, you did a good job. :thumbsup:




I hit the link at the top center and entered a Romainian bride site. I wasn't paying close attention to how I got there and spent some time wondering where the shopping cart was. And, it didn't look much like mom, dad and baby (unless it was predicting the future). In any case, maybe it shouldn't be such a prominent link.




Thank you invasi0n! You'll be surprised how many romanian sites are based on oscommerce. I was surprised too. People here tend to try to make their own bussinesses and this is a very good way to start, even if you are a student or working already somewhere. And I'm thakful oscomm exists, because not everybody has the money to pay a firm for a custom made site. I can't believe I got this far without knowing ANYTHING in the beggining, and, ofcourse, thank you, every one here! Couldn't have done without you and I'm still relying on your help! :D


Tastar, you're absolutely right!!! That comes from a banner exchange site and I have the option to stop some of the ads displaying, by category, but I keep disableing categories and it doesn't disapear! I've sent them an email asking what exactly to do, but they never answered; I think I'll drop them and work with some one else, but I need to get to 1000 visitors/month. It kind of sends me visitors, that's why I need this banner exchange in the begining, to get mu site on the first places of statistics top.



About loading time, I managed to reduce it by about 10 secs for 56 k modem, but I still need more (it's somewhere at 32 seconds now...). Ofcourse, I have no clue what more to do or how to merge more infoboxes... Still thinking about it! Any ideas are welcome!



Thank you!


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