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I was using another PayPal contrib that was working, unfortunately I also use the Reward Point Contrib and it need specific changes to the IPN file which the other contrib didn't have a specific IPN file. So I uninstalled the other contrib and installed the PayPal IPN provided by the dev of oscommerce.


Issue: If I go through check out and use a paypal account, or a visa card, everythign seems to work without a problem. Though I've had five orders today and all are stuck at "Preparing [PayPal IPN]"


I had a previous IPN setup configured at PayPal, so I disabled it in the hopes it was simply interferring, though no difference has been seen.


I tried a Mater Card two different Master Card's (both issued by PayPal) and I get an error saying they can't verify the card.


This is the only lead I have at this point and will be contacting one of the customers today to see what they used for checkout.


I really do not know where to look, I've been over the contrib several times and it is installed correctly.


I have 40+ contribs installed, so I know my way around the files and what they should look like... am I simply missing something?

My Contributions


Henry Smith

Same problem experienced here, some customers get their orders paid some not.


Exactly, and it not that oscommerce isn't seeing the payment, the Payment is not in PayPal either.. it's not completing it. I've had 30 orders in the past week with 0 failures, I use the oscommerce paypal IPN and (other than my tests on both snadbox and live servers) 100% of transaction have failed.


Now, it IS possible by a fluke that the last five orders have all used a Master Card, though I need to contact them to find this out.


Is it possible to set the DEBUG to email ALL the time? Atleast I may be able to see what's going on.

My Contributions


Henry Smith


Do you have the Credit Card module enabled at the same time as the osCommerce Pay Pal IPN? I don't know why this would affect the Pay Pal IPN Module, but the problems with Master Card seem to point that way. The old CC module doesn't have the updated MasterCard number issues.



Do you have the Credit Card module enabled at the same time as the osCommerce Pay Pal IPN? I don't know why this would affect the Pay Pal IPN Module, but the problems with Master Card seem to point that way. The old CC module doesn't have the updated MasterCard number issues.





No, in fact I thought of that too. I enabled, saved and then went back in and disabled and save again (to ensure that it was in fact off). What files should I replace in order to ensure that the files are the correct ones? Contrib link, so that I can do a diff on the files?


The whole contrib seems flakey at time. I just got my sixth order today, this person is Verified, therefore I would need to assume that they have a PayPal account. Payment DID go through, but order stays at Perparing PayPal IPN. Shoudln't this update to Processing?


I have the Perparing IPN for the initial order, and then Processing for the "Acknowledged Order Status". egardless, I still need to manually go in an update the order to processing.


Just to make it clear, if I haven't in my previous post. Here's what is happening.


Customer adds items to their cart.

They check out

(unsure of what happens or they see here as it is working for me with PP and Visa payments that I've done myself.)

I then see an order with Preparing PayPal IPN status.

I go to PayPal and NO payment - zero. So something happened that caused 5 orders to not get paid.



I'd like to ramble a little bit, and if there is an easier way of doing this, please correct me, but the forum has been a big thorn in my side as well.


Oddly enough I'm fortunate that I have been able to install all the contrib's that I have thus far. I beleive the entire forum is difficult to navigate, find anything, contribs are intermixed and difficult to determine what is a patch, a full package, and more. There really should be some strict guidelines for contrib submissions, with mandatory detail field

Contrib Name

Full Package Yes/No

What it does

Who needs it?

Known Issues:


Contrib pages have plug-ins/add-ons for that contrib on the same page also... so is the full package included? Just the additional files?


Each contrib should have two pages to it. The Main contribution, and then an add-on/plug-in page.


When I installed SPPC it was a nightmare to figure out what was what... A good example is http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contri...all/search,SPPC It's got the full packages, MS2 packages, ACA Modules...


And then states


This is the Advanced Categories Admin 2.0 (ACA2) module for Separate Pricing per Customer v4.1 (SPPC).


If you don't use ACA (contribution 2611), you don't need this module. You can also start using ACA:

ACA remove the pain to modify the categories.php file by moving the needed modifications into modules.


As a new person to oscommerce this reads as

This is the better version of SPPC, in module format; which is for providing SPPC in OC.

If you not already usings our older version 2611, then you don't need this new version.

Of course, you could always start using this version.


I'm not picking in SPPC, it is a great contrib and I thank those who made it possible - it was just one of many that stuck in my head.

My Contributions


Henry Smith


I have the exact same problem.


There isn't any reason why you can't have a credit card payment mopdule and the PayPal ipn module as active choices for payment. They are two entirely different and separate payment methods.


I posted this in another forum earlier:

"I have this Consistent PayPal IPN Ordering Problem with my customers. I receive their credit card number but the order indicates they are paying with paypal. There is no expiration date or cvv number with the credit card number. There is no money in my PayPal account from them. I DO NOT get a copy of an order email. The order just gets written to the database with the card number and that's it. I did not have this problem prior to installing PayPal IPN. Now it occurs several times a day.

What the devil is going on?"

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