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Categories to use cpath on index.php


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i've creatd index2.php for the front page, and use index.php for the categories.


only when you click on the categories box on the left it follows the path on that page(index2.php)

Does anyone know how to make it reference to index.php cpath instead of index2.php?


Your probably wondering why use an index2?...

...it's because i wanted to have a different right hand column display from the frontpage after clicking on the category,

and i'm no good at php(learning though) so this was the easiest way for me.


hope to get a reply!



probably you changed the FILENAME_DEFAULT to point to index2.php you could restore it, add a FILENAME_DEFAULT2 for instance to point to index2.php and then use the FILENAME_DEFAULT definition when the categories box builds the links (tep_href_link function)


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