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amex and cvv field


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is there a way to make the ccv field disappear if a customer selects amex? As you know amex doesnt have this valuem and it ineveitably sends the customer into a fit of confusion.


would there be a quick javascript way to do this? or any other ay at that matter?







How do you get the CVV field. My cart does not have it.


I would want the AmEx Field to disappear LOL


Thanks Mindy. My cart is provided by my hosting company. I am trying to figure out how to do the last line.


With so many processors requiring that code now or charging the vendor extra for not having it, I do not know why the developers have not added it in standard.


If you used any other modules with success, let me know. What scares me on some of the modules I see is not knowing how it will work, and then seeing so many bug updates, and how do you know who ever posted the update is not some jerk who wants to wreck your cart, or hack into it.


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