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Product Attributes


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Hello All,


I need someone to give me step by step directions on how to use product attributes. It just seems so confusing with all the choices. I just don't seem to understand how it works. If someone can help it would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks All,


Maryann Overmere




There are three sections to the products attributes section.


In Product Options, add the attribue you want to display. This will be the name next to the dropdown list. This would be something like Towel Sizes.


In Option Values, add the options for the above item. This would be something like Small, Medium and Large (you will need to add each of them separately).


In Product Attributes, select the product you want to apply the attribute to. Then use the dropdowns beside it to select the correct Product Options and Option Values.


Give it a try. It is not difficult. If it fails, list the steps you took here so someone can see the msitake.



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