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Oh, I've messed up my admin config


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Everything has been fine until I started messing with the Sort Order contribution. Making all the changes to the files went well enough, but I had trouble with the entries in the database part. (There would be error messages on those.) I gave up on the idea for a while, and when I next went back to the admin config screen, here's what came up:






Could anyone tell me what this says and what I can do to fix it? The rest of the sections in admin work fine...catalog, products, etc. It's only the config one that's a mess. I've already restored all the files that I'd been editing for sort-order in the directory structure, so things are back to their original state, with the exception of this one problem...which must then be in the database?


I looked for a smilie face IDIOT to add to this message, but didn't see one. Nor was there one tearing its hair out, or I would have used that instead.





The answer to the original question is to go through the install instructions for the Sort Order contribution in reverse - removing what you put in and putting back what you took out.




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