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I am getting this error when I try to restore my cart from a recent back up


Warning: I am able to write to the configuration file: /home/highfi/public_html/store/includes/configure.php. This is a potential security risk - please set the right user permissions on this file.


I hope someone can help me... I spent about 60 hours working on this cart and if I have to start all over I am ditching it and finding something else more stable.



Many thanks




I guess I should give more info. I upgraded in fantastico on my cpanel from my server. I then when to the cart and it was as if it was day one again only my content was still there but all the changes I had made where all undone. All of them. I tried to restore it from a back up and got the error that I posted above. I am fully freaking out!




Here is what it says to do but I am not sure where the files are and how to change them.


1. Rename the catalog/install folder or delete it.

2. Reset the permissions on catalog/includes/configure.php to 644 (if you are still getting the warning message at the top of the page after setting this configure.php files to 644 then set the catalog/includes/configure.php file to 444 which is read only - this happens on some servers that have been updated for security reasons).

3. Set the permissions on catalog/images directory to 777

4. Set the permissions on admin/images/graphs directory to 777

5. Create the directory admin/backups and set the permissions to 777 (this is the folder to store the database backup of your store in the "Tools" section of the store admin).


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