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The e-commerce.

error message


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i got this error message today when i tried to log onto my admin page of my catalog, it comes up with the same message when i try to access my catalog


Warning: mysql_pconnect(): Lost connection to MySQL server during query in /home/.beaucoup/pleasureplaypen/checkout.pleasureplaypen.com/includes/functions/database.php on line 17

Unable to connect to database server!


but here's the kicker, i didn't change anything on my site in a while!



if anyone can help, i'd appreciate it!





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but here's the kicker, i didn't change anything on my site in a while!

I am sorry I can't solve the problem, but when my site fails to work and I have not changed anything, I contact my web host. It usually turns out they upgraded something or made some php changes that did not jive well with oscommerce.



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try setting in your catalog's side includes\configure.php file


define('USE_PCONNECT', 'false'); // use persistent connections?


and see if the problem goes away.

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